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Glanru wrote:
Fog of War on most maps is alright. Sometimes it's really fun, sometimes not so much. What I'd like to do for a future map that I make is design a map with Fog of War specifically in mind. Main considerations that I want implemented include:

-Many small regions so that most players can control at least one, even in eight player games.
-Few if any medium to large regions.
-Several "dead-ends" that allow a player to hide, or get blocked in by another player for a strategic kill for cards.
-A few territories that connect to 6 or more regions to provide a good "look out" place to camp.
-Allow for fluid movement of armies by providing several methods of travel or well thought out connections of territories.
-No "Australia" regions that can be defended by one territory.

Anyone have any thoughts or ideas that could help me out? Or can anyone think of a theme that'd fit perfect with this idea?
Glanru wrote:
Ok, I came up with a great idea the other night. A molecule map. One of two ways: one big molecule, or some small molecules. It's been a while since I have taken a science class so I'm doing a little research before deciding just how to go about this.

Remember that the focus is on making a great Fog of War map. Now does anyone have any thoughts?
Pntbttr wrote:
I love the idea and can't wait to see what you come up with.....but I have no idea how you are going to make....I dont really have any ideas for this but if I come up with one I shout it out
santas22 wrote:
i have a good idea i think i will put it together and post it before the end of the year
santas22 wrote:
Solar System

here is a rough draft of what it could look like, it still has a ways to go but let me know. I will fix the "Australia" places too. You will almost always have a place like that, but i think i can mke it work


please give me some feedback on how to improve this besides that i need to finish it

Vexer wrote:
you can hold down the shift key when making circles if you want a perfect circle.
santas22 wrote:
Thanks vexer Let me know if their is anything to change or make better
-NoXoN- wrote:
Santas are you making a map or you suggest someone to make it?

 If you are making that map, i suggest you to create new topic for your map.
Thorpe wrote:
Ok -NoXon- you are just mean...
Showing three maps that aren't up to play yet!!!!!
1771...Europe...and North America!!!
Just mean!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
-NoXoN- wrote:
Thorpe i see your post after 6 years    :( :)    it was fun to make those maps