Votazap's baseball map with graphics by me
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Vexer wrote:
BTW, I originally had zero interest in making a baseball map. It was votazap's sketch that convinced me that it could be a great map. He put a lot of work into it and did several drafts. Truly the hardest part of making a map is figuring out the game play i.e. the territory connections and the regions. The graphics, while time consuming, are not difficult. This is votazap's map, he did the hard part. He also did the time consuming and error prone task of inputting the map into the system. There would be no DXII Stadium map if not for him. Thank him, not me.
Pntbttr wrote:
THANKS YODA!!!! Nice Map I think it's one of the best. 58 TERRITORIES!!!!! Great job. We need bigger maps.
Vexer wrote:
i have changed the caps to make for faster games. now you will be able to kill an opponents cap and move on to the next one much more easily.

2p - I5, C5
3p - F5, B4, A4
4p - D4, G4, B4, A4
5p - C5, F5, I5, B4, A4
6p - C5, I5, B4, A4, D4, G4
7p - C5, F5, I5, B4, A4, D4, G4
8p - C5, F5, I5, B4, A4, D4, G4, 2nd