With seven D12 temples!
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The_Bishop wrote:
Current graphic development
100% view
edit 3 (click to show)

My last comment from previous page
Yeah the text might still change, right; and even the map name should be discussed I think.

One more thing, for now I used the old map spot in the system bcoz much easier for me to enter the map. But actually this is a new map, similar to the old one but not the same anymore. Someone is even nostalgic about the original J.o' D. So what, is it fine if I replace it in the system? or should I create a new spot for this one and keep the old one inactive?

I have just slightly changed the thumbnail cut in order to have it showing the title, I think it's better.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
it's fine that it is replaced, it was deactivated for a reason, it is remade due to nostalgic reason as well as your new gameplay. lets keep the map quality to the standards that fendi entrusted aeronautic to uphold.
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The_Bishop wrote:
Oh yes sure! I think your new graphics is not only ultra cool, but also of a great quality. These small animals and flowers (and skeletons also) are amazing! I'm literally amazed because I don't understand how can you draw small details like those.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
found a mistake i made (during a game). the original doesnt have a connection between cougar and mambas. i will redraw that. also see another mistake, will get to it now.
Hoodlum is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
original layout (click to show)
edit 3 *mistake layout (click to show)
*updated edit 4 (click to show)

this edit. alignment of key texts
fixed a wrong layout from the original. it is now the same as the original. see cougar / mambas connection.
while i was redrawing that, i made more room for the sun temple on the crocodile territory
also. on pitcher plant/passion flower there was a gap in the line. also made more room for the temple the jupiter temple
Hoodlum is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
I don't like the "Temple Bonus" title because is misleading. The true temple bonuses are just −1 and +1, as written on the left panel.
"Temple Play" is fine, the other I think should be called "Resulting Bonus".

I'm a bit obsessed by text alignment... I would make the text on the left entirely centered, I love center aligned text.
On the right panel I would rather keep the alignment as it is now, BUT changing it from this:
−1  for owning exactly 1 or 2
  0  for owning exactly 3
+2  for owning exactly 4
+5  for owning exactly 5
+9  for owning exactly 6
+14 for owning them ALL
to this:
−1  for owning exactly 1
−1  for owning exactly 2

  0  for owning exactly 3
+2  for owning exactly 4
+5  for owning exactly 5
+9  for owning exactly 6
+14 for owning them ALL
This text change would allow to reduce the right panel width, but at the cost of increasing slightly the height of it.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
edit 5 (click to show)

edits. evened up the banner widths (are same)
actually centered them both. the change of text made it look off, but using center alignment turned out like so.
adjusted electric eel label up
took away the quotation marks on "Own up to 21 pairs". looked cramped in there.
Hoodlum is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
Nice, but not perfect! Yes, at the quotation marks removal.
To be perfect the text in the right banner should be aligned on the phrase "for owning". Numbers 1, 2 and 3 look off, true...

And I think the D12 logo should be moved slightly upward-rightward.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
Nice, but not perfect! Yes, at the quotation marks removal.
To be perfect the text in the right banner should be aligned on the phrase "for owning". Numbers 1, 2 and 3 look off, true...

And I think the D12 logo should be moved slightly upward-rightward.

gotcha. means ill need to do each text line individually rather than leave it up to the paint program to do it causing mis-alignment due to numbers being different widths here and there.
and i didn't even notice the overlap of the d12 logo
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Hoodlum wrote:
edit 6 (click to show)
alignment text and logo
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Hoodlum wrote:
Good work to bishop with the innovative game-play that could possiby become a feature in new maps, or even reviving maps such as this one
Hoodlum is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
I'm glad to see so much interest about this new&old map!
I had to pause the beta for just 1 day or so, in order to re-implement the new map in a new slot.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, be patient please, I promise to do it quickly.

Meanwhile we may discuss about the map title, the one you see now is just provisional.
I think the possibilities in the pot are many:
  • Jungle of Despair
  • Jungle of Despair II
  • New Jungle of Despair
  • Jungle of Despair (New)
  • Jungle of Despair Advanced
  • Jungle of Despair with Temples
  • Jungle of Despair with D12 Temples

Let me know your thought, please, thank you!
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
Uhm sorry, this migration is taking time, let's go on with the old map modified (for now), then one day I'll create a copy of it, when have time
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.