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- Posted: 2 months ago
- Modified: 2 months ago
Post #31
I have a cool idea how to merge the concept of additional bonuses and rivers.
Some people proposed to make the rivers as impassable, the same way it is in other maps. But how about we merge rivers and additional bonus system together? For example: If you control all territories that the river passes/flows through, then you will get a bonus. Lets look at one of the 3 rivers, Dnjepr. It starts in the duchy of smolensk, flows through chernogiv, kiev and yedisan. In total it flows through 4 regions and 11 territories. So lets add a following bonus: For controlling all these 11 territories, you will get an additional bonus, lets say +4. And if you also control all the 4 regions, you will get another additional bonus of +3 or +4, details can be done later, right now its about the understanding of the concept. I can also change the flow of the rivers, to change the amount of territories it transits and make the flow more clear, cuz the other two rivers, wolga and don dont have a clear transit route.
So basicly you get bonuses for controling the river flow/river basin, first the territories, then you can expand your control on the regions.
This system will first add more historicity to the map, which is very important for me. Dont forget: States (sometimes) form around trade routes. And usually rivers serve as trade routes, connecting markets with each other. The polotical/economic entity that controls the trade way and markets can profit from it by taxing it. Parallel to it, it uses the money recieved from taxes, to pay for protection of the routes/markets. Amd voila: first states emerge.
Secondly, it will make the game more complicated, because a player can have multiple ways of expanding in order to recieve bonuses and therefore power and influence, because a territory or a region can be used in combination with other territories/regions to gain bonus. So basicly, you have more strategic/tactical choices.
Thirdly, the additional bonuses can be used instead of choke points to "order" the board. Usually choke points serve as borders between spheres of influence of different players, for example morocoo, greece, sinai etc on the mediterranean map. Here the combination of territories/regions can serve as a way of establishing some kind of "natural" spheres of influencen because players could strive to go in a direction where they can additional bonuses. Of course some territories/regions overlay with eachother, for example the same territory/region can be a part of 2-3 "additional bonus systems" simultaneously, therefore it will at the same time create not just "natural borders", but also competition and confloct and drive the game forward.
To explain it in a different way: currently territories are always part of one region and regions cannot be put together to gain a bonus. So what we can do with this additional bonus system, is to make certain territores/regions open for r e c o m b i n a t i o n among each other, a bit like a puzzle whose parts can be recombined with each other in different ways and always create a picture. So for example you can control 4 territories of one region to gain the regional bonus, but you can also control 2 territories of this region combined with 3 territories from another regions to gain a bonus. Thus, a player will have multiple choices where to go. Or you can put two whole regions together for an additional bonus, for example duchy of ryazan and d. o. murom. Or you can take one territory each from different regions, to gain a bonus, for example kiev, novgorod and south-eastern budjak. So basicly through the additional bonus system we can recombine territories/regions with each other in different ways. Thusmaking the game gain more strategic and tactical complexity.
Trust me, it will revolitionaze the gameplay.
Some people proposed to make the rivers as impassable, the same way it is in other maps. But how about we merge rivers and additional bonus system together? For example: If you control all territories that the river passes/flows through, then you will get a bonus. Lets look at one of the 3 rivers, Dnjepr. It starts in the duchy of smolensk, flows through chernogiv, kiev and yedisan. In total it flows through 4 regions and 11 territories. So lets add a following bonus: For controlling all these 11 territories, you will get an additional bonus, lets say +4. And if you also control all the 4 regions, you will get another additional bonus of +3 or +4, details can be done later, right now its about the understanding of the concept. I can also change the flow of the rivers, to change the amount of territories it transits and make the flow more clear, cuz the other two rivers, wolga and don dont have a clear transit route.
So basicly you get bonuses for controling the river flow/river basin, first the territories, then you can expand your control on the regions.
This system will first add more historicity to the map, which is very important for me. Dont forget: States (sometimes) form around trade routes. And usually rivers serve as trade routes, connecting markets with each other. The polotical/economic entity that controls the trade way and markets can profit from it by taxing it. Parallel to it, it uses the money recieved from taxes, to pay for protection of the routes/markets. Amd voila: first states emerge.
Secondly, it will make the game more complicated, because a player can have multiple ways of expanding in order to recieve bonuses and therefore power and influence, because a territory or a region can be used in combination with other territories/regions to gain bonus. So basicly, you have more strategic/tactical choices.
Thirdly, the additional bonuses can be used instead of choke points to "order" the board. Usually choke points serve as borders between spheres of influence of different players, for example morocoo, greece, sinai etc on the mediterranean map. Here the combination of territories/regions can serve as a way of establishing some kind of "natural" spheres of influencen because players could strive to go in a direction where they can additional bonuses. Of course some territories/regions overlay with eachother, for example the same territory/region can be a part of 2-3 "additional bonus systems" simultaneously, therefore it will at the same time create not just "natural borders", but also competition and confloct and drive the game forward.
To explain it in a different way: currently territories are always part of one region and regions cannot be put together to gain a bonus. So what we can do with this additional bonus system, is to make certain territores/regions open for r e c o m b i n a t i o n among each other, a bit like a puzzle whose parts can be recombined with each other in different ways and always create a picture. So for example you can control 4 territories of one region to gain the regional bonus, but you can also control 2 territories of this region combined with 3 territories from another regions to gain a bonus. Thus, a player will have multiple choices where to go. Or you can put two whole regions together for an additional bonus, for example duchy of ryazan and d. o. murom. Or you can take one territory each from different regions, to gain a bonus, for example kiev, novgorod and south-eastern budjak. So basicly through the additional bonus system we can recombine territories/regions with each other in different ways. Thusmaking the game gain more strategic and tactical complexity.
Trust me, it will revolitionaze the gameplay.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"