Holy Roman Empire in the year 843
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dough_boy wrote:
Hard to see what is what on some of them. I think care should also exist to see what it might look like on a drop. So while the capitals are "equal distant" from each other, if you have 1 capital on a +1 where they can use the capital to take a few territories and get a region, but the others are not like that, it is an unfair advantage. Especially if the capital can then remain on the edge and attack still. I would personally rather see capitals not in a +1 where on one turn they could easily get the bonus.
Rockbert wrote:
My bad for not explaining. Each color circle is a different amount of players. I was just trying to be more efficient with not having to send 8 different images.

Green - 2
Red - 3
Blue - 4
Pink - 5

Ah, that clears that up. Thanks. :)
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Hard to see what is what on some of them. I think care should also exist to see what it might look like on a drop. So while the capitals are "equal distant" from each other, if you have 1 capital on a +1 where they can use the capital to take a few territories and get a region, but the others are not like that, it is an unfair advantage. Especially if the capital can then remain on the edge and attack still. I would personally rather see capitals not in a +1 where on one turn they could easily get the bonus.

Does this help
edited capitals 2,3,4,5 (click to show)
Eat my dust.
dough_boy wrote:
Does this help
edited capitals 2,3,4,5 (click to show)

Sort of. I think the red (4?) still has a cap on a +1. Also, there appears to be a gap of 4 to most, except 1 has a gap of 2 and the cross-connections appear to be larger. I am not a really big fan of caps, but it is my understanding that you want all of them to be as equidistant as possible.
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Does this help
edited capitals 2,3,4,5 (click to show)

Sort of. I think the red (4?) still has a cap on a +1. Also, there appears to be a gap of 4 to most, except 1 has a gap of 2 and the cross-connections appear to be larger. I am not a really big fan of caps, but it is my understanding that you want all of them to be as equidistant as possible.
It kind of depends honestly.
Eat my dust.
The_Bishop wrote:
When we say "Holy Roman Empire" usually we mean the Germanic one, not the Frank one which is usually called "Carolingian Empire".
The former lasted for just some decades, the latter instead lasted for many centuries!!

Somewhere in some hard drive I have a highly detailed map of the German Holy Roman Empire (the year was 1273 if I'm not wrong).
Is there anyone interested in transforming it into a huge Risk map? Assuming I can still find the reference image.
It's a really complex historical area with plenty of small and very small states inside the major empire.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Well, I couldnt find my old hard disk, but I have found that the image I'm referring to is still available for free on the net.
So I created a new thread about the other Holy Roman Empire, the German one:
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein