Holy Roman Empire in the year 843
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pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Actually I'm not sure how to post images

but here's the WORKING link... https://i.ibb.co/fGkwSH7/canvas-6.png

those are regions with bonuses written. I will start to work on individual territories but I would like some feedback before I put too much effort into it.

The other thing is the colored parts are the kingdoms of Charles the Bald, Lothar I, and Louis(or maybe Ludwig?) the German(yellow green purple respectively) the blue are independent states that payed tribute to the Holy Roman Empire. Not sure if I want to include those in this, but anyway, I want to have a kind of region within a region, where the major kingdoms after the Treaty of Verdun was signed give you extra, not sure how much, or if this would even work, but it might be cool!
Eat my dust.
The_Bishop wrote:
I can't open the link, i don't know why. Interesting map subject idea
Have you a reference year? the Holy Roman Empire lasted for how long? Around 1000 years I think
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Matty wrote:
I really like the idea.
I'm not a fan of the "included in +6" part in Italy, because it can be really confusing. Better to make two regions out of that I think. But other than that, this is a really good idea I think.

You'll have to play a bit with rivers and mountains to see if you can make the regions defensible.

Holy Roman Empire - version 1 (rough sketch of region layout) (click to show)

You can include an image like this with the following code (but without the spaces after the "[" character):
[ spoiler=Holy Roman Empire - version 1 (rough sketch of region layout)]
[ img]https://i.ibb.co/fGkwSH7/canvas-6.png[/img]
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Cireon wrote:
I would love the idea of there being another map with regions and super-regions - like we have in World Map Expanded. It's a good theme as well, and I think it's different enough from existing Europe maps to stand on its own.

One of the big challenges about the current design is that all the +1 regions are in the east, and the west has larger regions. This will make balancing capitals on this map incredibly difficult.

One thing to think about is how large to make this map. You have put down some region bonuses, but how can region bonuses be calculated without knowing how many territories are inside each region? It would be good to get a sense of the scale of this map. Would this be a 9 player map, a 2-3 player map (unlikely), or something inbetween?
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
I would love the idea of there being another map with regions and super-regions - like we have in World Map Expanded. It's a good theme as well, and I think it's different enough from existing Europe maps to stand on its own.

One of the big challenges about the current design is that all the +1 regions are in the east, and the west has larger regions. This will make balancing capitals on this map incredibly difficult.

One thing to think about is how large to make this map. You have put down some region bonuses, but how can region bonuses be calculated without knowing how many territories are inside each region? It would be good to get a sense of the scale of this map. Would this be a 9 player map, a 2-3 player map (unlikely), or something inbetween?
Completely agree, I may make that section less split up and try and do like 2 +3 regions and have maybe the Papal states in the south be the only +1 region on the map. I think overall I'm aiming for like 6-9 player map but I'm not 100% sure yet.
Eat my dust.
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
You'll have to play a bit with rivers and mountains to see if you can make the regions defensible.

I didn't include the rivers in that picture but I will be including the Danube, Loine, and Rhine, at the least, plus probably at least some of the swiss alps.
Eat my dust.
The_Bishop wrote:
Now I have seen it, thanks Hippo! It's the Carolingian Empire, I expected to see the 'German' Holy Roman Empire, however it's perfectly correct, they both were called "Holy Roman Empire".

I'm new to this approach, you defined the region bonuses first and the territories later, interesting.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
I have been working on the territories and I'm definitely going to change the bonuses, I just was trying to layout the regions first.
Eat my dust.
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Holy Roman Empire - territories and regions (click to show)

A few things

1. the territories on this are mostly historically accurate, especially in the kingdom of lothar, some are a bit more arbitrarily divided, but I would say 80% of territories have an approximately historically accurate border

2. Approximations of rivers are also included, the Danube, Rhine, Seine, and Loine rivers. I'm not sure yet where to make them passable and where to make them impassable for game play purposes.

3. The color palette is very very bad, so probably not going to keep that one.

4. Would love some input on bonuses for regions, as well as for super regions defined in the first post.

5. I left the independent territories blank because one they aren't really part of the HRE just tributary states, and 2 the map already has 67 territories which is a solid amount.(would love feedback on if I should include them.)
Eat my dust.
Matty wrote:
No time for me to give extensive feedback, so let me just give some tips on bridges:
  • First off, you want to have as little bridges as possible (otherwise why do you have a river there?)

Ok, now where to place them?
  • Every region should be connected with itself. So those rivers inside of the red, white, purple (and pink?) regions need at least one bridge (and probably one bridge is enough).
    With this, the rivers on the right half of the map probably already have enough bridges. (In fact, they have quite a lot, maybe one less would be good, but then maybe you need to change a region?)
  • Thirdly, you want regions to have interesting borders, but not too many. So maybe one from the bottom left red region to the yellow region there? And maybe don't have a bridge at all for the river between purple/yellow and pink?

Now, these are some initial suggestions and guesses. Play a bit with it to see what looks nice.

P.S. For region bonusses, see the little calculator at https://dominating12.com/tools
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
pygmyhippo277 wrote:
Ok, now where to place them?
  • Every region should be connected with itself. So those rivers inside of the red, white, purple (and pink?) regions need at least one bridge (and probably one bridge is enough).
    With this, the rivers on the right half of the map probably already have enough bridges. (In fact, they have quite a lot, maybe one less would be good, but then maybe you need to change a region?)

Slightly confused on what you mean in the second one as I don't have any bridges yet...
Eat my dust.
Matty wrote:
After you've added a bridge in the upper red region (currently the Netherlands) and a bridge in that pink region (currently Northern Germany) and a bridge inside that purple region below (currenlty Southern Germany), that river will have 3 bridges. Three bridges is enough (or even quite a lot) for that river.

Does that make sense?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria