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bmalisewski wrote:
Group of Seattle based players were discussing a Seattle / Puget Sound map, have started working on it. Incorporated feedback from a few thus far, looking to see what else people would recommend.

jmirch wrote:
Heres the image

Cireon wrote:
I suggest uploading the image to Imgur, as it is typically pretty good about things.

As for the map itself: I think the geography definitely allows for some good map design, so it's an interesting area you chose. Some things stand out immediately though, and will have to be addressed either way:

  • We don't allow 4 borders coming together into a single corner. It makes it unclear whether allowing diagonally across that point is allowed or not. The territories will have to be reworked to prevent any of those situations existing.
  • I think the port symbols add unnecessary complexity to the map. I think it's better if we use dashed lines to connect the ports instead, because it makes it much easier to understand the topography of the map. In some cases, it's not super clear which territory an anchor belongs to either (the Downtown one is also very close to Pioneer Square, and the Bremerton one could be confused to connect to Port Orchard). Dashed lines would make it really obvious;
  • I haven't measured it, but I feel even the map is wider than 1024px, or the territory circles are smaller than the full size circles. I foresee some problems with fitting in the circles in the dark green region, since it's already quite busy there.

Overall though, I think this map shows promise. It's a pretty well connected map, but at the same time doesn't feel like everything is too connected. There are some really nice regions in there, but we may want to look at those again once you worked away all the four-way crossings, since right now there are a lot of regions with bonus 4, and it would be good to have a bigger variation of regions.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
bmalisewski wrote:
Super helpful. Updated the link to Imgur.

Good to know about the 4 borders, and I like the dotted lines vs. ports.
Cireon wrote:

Embedded map for convenience :)
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
elysium5 wrote:
Not sure what to recommend to clean up the connection lines (to be clear, I have zero graphics skills and know nothing about design) but it is far better looking this way than it was with the ports.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
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Rockbert wrote:
Looks fun! Can't wait to try it.
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- Thomas Mann
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bmalisewski wrote:
Cireon, you were right about the size of the circles. They were not proportional to the dimensions of the map, but I think this should fix it. Also adjusted the territory titles to make them a bit easier to read.

elysium5 wrote:
Actually, the head cartographer hasn't been online for a while but Hoodlum is pretty much the interim head cartographer here. I have never created a map so I will leave that answer to Hoodlum.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
elysium5 is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
Hello everybody :) Some remarks from myself:

-- It's just a small portion of the Puget Sound, it could be called "Seattle" or "Seattle Environment"
-- Too much unused empty space on the bottom
-- Too big title on the empty space on the top
-- Weird counter-intuitive sea connection lines crossing each other
-- Those bridges with symbols over them aren't great either
-- On the lower right, that region has a lack of internal connectivity
-- The whole land has no visible textures like the other D12 maps
-- Pattern images are never welcome (grapes, trees)
-- The centre seems to be too busy, but maybe there is no better options
-- At least remove the ad's, I personally consider the most of them criminal society logos and probably I'm not alone on that opinion. At worse I would prefer to have a territory called Amazon rather than showing the Amazon logo on the map. Unless Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates want to donate us 600 million dollars (very little effort for them) then in that case I could change my mind.
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bmalisewski wrote:
Not sure how much I can do about the center, that's an accurate layout of the city. Like some of the other changes, will make some tweaks. Not sure the concern on the logos?