Easy Company silences the guns at Brecourt Manor
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aeronautic wrote:
This is the first in a series of WWII maps.
34 Territories P2P (Point to Point).
No bonuses.

I don't normally advocate the use of P2P maps as they don't fit the D12 site, but some maps, especially Small Scale maps such as this, only work as P2P.

The map is an actual conflict that took place on D Day (6th June 1944) and is accurate down to every detail & resource (+ conflicting discussion) available on the net.
Apart from the actual field overlaid from a popular satellite imaging program, it is all hand drawn, but even the actual field had to be edited to be as it was in 1944.

The game-play arrangement incorporates the actual approach, cover & flanking positions on the actual fixed positions with the addition of fictional dirt paths to cross-connect the map. It coincidentally took on a similarity to the Caribbean map.

I have opted for Zero region bonuses, making it even more realistic in that you get what you have to fight with and have to get the victory from that.

I made a map of the same conflict, some years ago, but this was before I knew how to make Risk maps and it was created for special game-play, which the D12 program can't provide and so that map was scrapped.

I tried to make the colour scheme reminiscent of 1944 and incorporated the badges and outfit names believed to be in the battle.

It is intended to be intuitive to follow, by the routes and paths and where there may be ambiguity, I have used connection lines.

Anyway, here it is... "release the hounds!"
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Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Matty wrote:
Not sure how these kind of maps play, but I guess we should just try and see.
The graphics look nice.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
aeronautic wrote:
I guess I could input it and do some test games, maybe 1v1v1 deathmatch to start with.

My biggest concern with a set piece conflict was the game-play as a risk game.
I tried to open up the connectivity as much as possible, but it's very possible that there may be some unfair Capital positions in Capital games, just like Caribbean.
There is also the option of adding more dirt paths and circles for some fictional conflict, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.
There's also the option of adding regions, but this may spoil the very war-like look of the map.

I think that, having no bonuses will make it much fairer in 1v1 games.

I'll input it for testing, it can always be discontinued if not fun or functional enough.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
aeronautic wrote:
It's worth noting that this map is no more linear than Caribbean.

I have input the map for testing and just need to set up some test games.
The Capitals are just rough at the moment, with most open attack paths only up to 6p (the max recommended).

I added a few graphical things that were not intuitive while inputting and any alterations or edits can be done while testing and after.

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Tested 2 games DM & Caps 2p with Virtuosity98 and so far, even without bonus regions, the map performs just like most maps in 2p.
We really need to test it with 3p & 4p, but unfortunately, I couldn't get a 3p game started so late at night.
I'll test it again tomorrow evening, but in the meantime, please set up a few test games using 3p / 4p and post the feedback.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
ProblemChild96 wrote:
i thought having a bonus for chaining troops could be a cool idea, 10 connected = +2, 12=+3 and so on but Virtuosity98 pointed out that it wouldnt really work with the way region bonus are added when creating a map
Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak. "Sun Tzu - The Art of War"
aeronautic wrote:
V98 is correct, the programmers can't make special game-play for 1 map, it's a code used for all maps.

From the feedback that V98 has given me, the map is quite typical, especially for Capitals where the win is made when the player with a set+ can take a player with 5 cards with plenty more cards to acquire from the other players.
Even with bonuses, this happens with most 4p+ games.

In battles of attrition games, perhaps bonuses would benefit the map and maybe in 2p Deathmatch games too, they might slightly offset the good dice & 1st turn luck?
Maybe we could consider regions such as 1&2 Howitzers, 3&4 Howitzers, MG42's (1-4), Approach, Flank, 1-2 Bunker, 2-3 Bunker, 3-4 Bunker.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
elysium5 wrote:
So far, I like the no region bonus. Makes the game a good even start for all players. I have some 2 player, 3 player and 4 player games going. Then the starting strategies make for better games like either going for a card right off or just reinforcing and moving troops around.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
maafi wrote:
Played a few DM games. Very different gameplay to the other maps. It has a very slow build up and I wasn’t sure I was enjoying it. But towards the end, the game-play really comes alive. I like it. A nice change.
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
pekiha wrote:
Im playing this map now and for the first time.
Game 867356. Fog and cap 25.
As I understand every player only gets 3 troops per round and bonusses only comes by turning in.
Is that right?
Regards, Per, Denmark.
Virtuosity98 wrote:
Im playing this map now and for the first time.
Game 867356. Fog and cap 25.
As I understand every player only gets 3 troops per round and bonusses only comes by turning in.
Is that right?
Regards, Per, Denmark.

Yes that's absolutely correct. Everyone is receiving 3 troops per round, unless of course they have 12 or more territories, in which case they receive their territory count divided by three.
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

aeronautic wrote:
1st, Thanks V98 for creating/joining a game and asking for feedback. Just that one Game 867356 has given good feedback "food for thought".

There was a mention of the need for bonuses to get the game going.
One suggestion was for the 4 Howitzers to get a bonus.
Another was for a few +1 bonuses around the map.
There are also quotes above:
Played a few DM games. Very different gameplay to the other maps. It has a very slow build up and I wasn’t sure I was enjoying it. But towards the end, the game-play really comes alive. I like it. A nice change.
won my first game on it, so i like it lol.
3 player cap was fun
So far, I like the no region bonus. Makes the game a good even start for all players. I have some 2 player, 3 player and 4 player games going. Then the starting strategies make for better games like either going for a card right off or just reinforcing and moving troops around.

My thoughts on the bonuses.... colour coding or bordering certain parts of the map will remove the "WWII real aerial view battle" effect from the map.
Right now I see it as a hybrid of real aerial view imagery with overlaid war-room tactical positions.

It will be nice to hear the views of players who have since completed games on this map of how it played, if it felt like a real battle and whether the lack of bonuses cause slow games or reduced enjoyment????
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
aeronautic wrote:
This map was a real WWII battle experiment.

If it is working, what does it need for improvement?
If it is not working, shall we discontinue it?
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
elysium5 wrote:
I like it. It has such a different feel to it and I haven't really encountered anything wrong or lopsided with the game-play. If anything, it seems more even than other 2 player games in that you aren't at as bad of a disadvantage if you go second. Well placed troops can be as important as just trying to get a card at the beginning and can even out a perceived disadvantage.

I've played just under 100 games on it so far and I haven't had any complaints from opponents about it either, just that it was different without the bonuses, but even that only was mentioned maybe once or twice.

I vote to keep the map.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"