• 33 posts
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Pntbttr wrote:
I thought you said a bunch of it doesn't or never existed? Isn't Turkey part of asia, if it is why should it be on the map? You are right about the brown region though I need to put in some impassibles or something and finland should be able to attack St. Petersburge.
Vexer wrote:
i didn't go back and read the whole thread but i am pretty sure that people had issues with the map before noxon's comments. and i seem to recall telling you that the other europe map would be better to start with.

also, i never understood the impassibles on this map.

also, i am not a fan of the paper fold marks.

Europe is the hardest map to make and it is a very important map for the site. expect high standards on this one, but also there is help available. the map has to be perfect.
Pntbttr wrote:
Ah man! I don't remember you telling me that but your right that one is a lot better I guess I will start on that one after I work on the South Africa Map a little more.