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thaithai wrote:
i don't know.i think the bonus +2 on yellow realm and green realm are better.the bonus is more less more good.it is steady.
it is easy to get yellow and green realm.
in 1vs1 u will lose if ur foe get a realm with +3.
gki7 wrote:
Its become bett r. My opinion is the red (France) has to much 3 is more real. And pleace Yugoslavia to be contact with Greece (Macedonia become part of Yugoslavia, dont to Albania) that will be bettar for the game. For the last make one country between Germany and Poland.
Best regards fAleksandar - gki7
1771 wrote:
man it's great i like it the design is awesome, but the numbers seem off a little red and yellow for instance have to fight off 3 people yet red is worth more white and orange have to fight off the same amount yet white is worth more then brown also has to fight off the same amount of people as white and orange and worth even less. my own personal opinion pink 2, green 3, red and yellow 4, brown, white,and orange 5, and then poor blue who is stuck in the middle of all this awesome chaos 7. but honestly i would play it just like he has it too. great job!!! i personally know its hard to make a map because i have been trying to learn myself, i would like to make a map with various monuments making all the monuments a plus 1 man every turn, plus i was also thinking the wonders of the world.
1771 wrote:
it's oh soooo hard, my hat is off to anyone with the ability to make a map!!
4myGod wrote:
I don't know the person making it stopped playing I think.
Vexer wrote:
not 4myGod, author is unknown. he may not even remember. i liked the other europe map better, the one wca started. I asked noxon to finish it but he declined
Pntbttr wrote:
I might if I have time, but I still feel like a beginner with pdn.
Vexer wrote:
yeah that would be cool. you should have the skills after you are done with the basketball map. Yeah the other europe map just needs some dotted lines, a legend or mini map, region bonuses figured out and capitals.

I am talking about this map buy the way:

It also be better with a different background and better colors but that would more difficult to do since we don't have the original file with the layers separated.