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Glanru wrote:
With my recent update to Eld World, I have reviewed my previous maps and determined Victron is in need of a graphics update. The standards for map making have changed since that map has been released and I hope to make sure that map can meet those newer standards.


Update as of post #10:


Update as of post #14:

The_Bishop wrote:
Sorry Glanru, I'm a bit critic on this kind of restyling. I mean maybe it's an improvement in the outlines and font, but the current version of Victron got a land much richer in details and seems to be much more realistic, this one is poor in comparison, many islands disappear.

I was used to play Eld World then when that North-South compression occurred I instinctively stopped to play it. Then recently the San Francisco with the octagonal lines that also gives me some doubts.

The restylings that I liked more were Caribbean and Falklands, in both of them there were no changes on the shape of the land. Maybe it's only a mental thing but I think it's important to save the original conception of the map when trying to improve the graphics.

But I am not saying it is bad, just I cannot understand the change. On a positive note what looks more realistic in this one is the territory dividers: in the current version they are too much visibly hand drawn.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
aeronautic wrote:
I disagree with The_Bishop!
I believe improvement is the most important factor. Some people do not like change and like to keep what they have grown accustomed to, but I do like change.

How are we supposed to insist on a certain level of quality for D12 maps when some of the earlier maps fall below the level. It takes a certain professionalism to want to make improvements to our creations and for that I have a high regard for Glanru and what he is doing here.

Even though I don't believe the map is exactly how I would want it to be, I believe the new more realistic outlines and font choice are a big improvement.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
PsymonStark wrote:
I appreciate changes in general but I think I don't like this one. It looks now very simple... it makes me think about the old Eld World... specially because of the new font.

I don't like either the annexation of the islands in some territories. I think they reduce the realistic look. Specially the brown and yellow regions. This map has very weirdly shaped islands now because of that one island-one region thing. I can't stop seeing a 4 in the brown region.

I would say that everything is an improvement except the font which is too similar to Eld World and the region layout in monoregional islands. I think that the old layout is more realistic (not the borders themselves) but I would try and find a font which is in between the old one (quite difficult to read) and the new one.

PS. One thing that always disturbed me about this map is the abundance of very short names and the fact that territories in a region start with the same letter. I would like to know what do you think about it, specially now that the font seems to be smaller.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Glanru wrote:
The primary reason for the changes in land is to reduce confusion, which the original map is full of. I have connected all regions into single islands to avoid confusing connection lines of the original. I have also broken the land connections of regions so they all have connection lines between continents. This is a more intuitive method for those playing on the map. It is not something I did arbitrarily. 

This is a made up map, these connections do not equate to connecting Madagascar to Africa on a map of our world. Nor is the map designed as a world map, it lacks connections from the left side to the right side. If you change the scale to a map of an area of islands, it is just as realistic anyway.

Being a made up map is also the reason for each continent having same letter starting names. I can't find a single territory on the Westeros or Tor maps because I have no familiarity with either of those stories. If you just have to use the letter to find a continent, you've narrowed down your search considerably. This is useful for in-game chat and when finding territories for card considerations.
PsymonStark wrote:
I know your points, but I think the confusion with the connecting lines didn't come from the fact of having the lines but because they may be confused with tiny islands. The new connection style leaves no place for that, being a straight line instead of a dashed one. While some of the territories could need a clarification (Emb or Co for example) I don't think everything had to be straightened-forward in such a way, because most archipelagos look like this:


Some big islands with many scattered islands around them. The old version fitted the definition and looked like that. I think that the region approach you took now is not realistic. It doesn't have to be, but... I hardly see this update as anything than some nice shapes. I would like to listen other voices here though.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
naathim wrote:
I think it looks nice. I didn't notice the lack of little islands.
The_Bishop wrote:
I like Victron as it is, being a good map to play and having lot of attractive artistic conception. And also I never heard anyone complaining that the map is confusing or the connections are not clear.

@Aeronautic - I don't disagree with you. I am happy for the graphic improvements. But I think you cannot improve the manufacture sacrificing the artistic style.

As a Victron admirer I would be grateful if Glanru can menage to improve it saving the original shape of the land.

It's true that I can see several good things in the new version proposed. As the outline and the connection lines and the territory dividers as I said. The optimal in my opinion it would be to make the same changes keeping the original shape - and possibly the oil spots too. The lakes I think they look better now with no color.

Maybe details can be reduced a bit though, especially the wobbled outline seems a bit excessive. I am not sure about the font, I mean the new one looks much more readable but the original one is such a romantic style, maybe something in the middle can be find. And I'm okay with the territories with the same letter, it's something cool to me.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Vexer wrote:
Many maps leave off tiny islands that have no population or structures because they are insignificant and just clutter up the map. That being said I also think it would look more realistic with a few small islands. It's definitely better not to have the tiny islands but some of the larger islands should have remained. I liked the look of the regions in the top left, top right, and bottom left in the original. However, I do think the rest of the regions have been properly cleaned up. The middle of the map should be clean as it is in the new version but I think the corners should be like the old version. I especially don't like the giant lakes/seas created on the new version in those regions. Having a few more connection lines in the corners isn't bad since it's less cluttered there.
aeronautic wrote:
I think it looks immensely improved and I think everyone will be happier now that you have kept the essence of the original map, but with new improved graphics.

I know you won't forget to remake the mini map if the rest of the feedback is good.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
PsymonStark wrote:
Yes, I agree with aero. Thanks Glanru for listening us.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Fendi wrote:
That's what's been missing. The map looks so much better now.
Glanru wrote:
I have made many minor adjustments to almost every aspect of the image and an overhaul of the title. Although each adjustment is small, I believe the overall affect should be more pleasing than my previous update. Let me know what you think.

Dpon wrote:
Nice map, the territory's name more clear. ^^

Thanks for your great work !