2 to 9 player Capitals Map
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Clarke wrote:
I designed this map specifically with the idea of capital games in mind. This is just my first rough draft. What does everyone think?

naathim wrote:
Oooooooooh!!! A very interesting concept!

Love the... sigils?

The center is a bit confusing to me. Only the center territories Hells 1, 2 and 3 connect correct? I think that would be awful inconvenient, especially for caps. If you spawn with one or two of those territories, you're auto blocked. Add some more connectivity or maybe they could program it so that the center always spawns neutral?

Wouldn't Avarice go with Gluttony and Lust better? Same with Violence/Rage and Heresy/Fraud. Idk anything about the Inferno, so maybe that's how they're structured. Just struck me as a little thematically odd LOL.

And even though you say it's for caps I think it would make a fun deathmatch idea.

Beautiful map, glad to see something creatively non-geographic!
UltrasPlot wrote:
this looks to be a lot like brethren coast pre-extra connection lines just even more extreme... as much as id like to see it work, how do you place 4p 5p 7p 8p caps here?
Clarke wrote:
@Naathim: The placements of the sins were done based on making the colors "pop" on the screen. You would not want the yellow "Heresy" on top of bright yellow flames. I really didn't care too much about grouping sins together based on some kind of themes. To answer you question, yes only the Hell 1,2,3 connect across the center wedge regions. You are correct about getting blocked in this way. So perhaps I need the center to be a closed circle, which would allow the 9 white territories that circle hell 1,2,3 to all touch. Would that help? I think it would and I think you are correct and I should fix this. Thanks for the GREAT feedback.

@Ultrasplot: I promise you I started this map about 6 months ago before I ever saw Brethren. Any similarities are coincidental. My ideas for the caps are as follows:

2P: Rage 1 & Heresy 4
3P: Fraud 1, Ignorance 4, & Lust 4
4P: Betrayal 1, Violence 4, Ignorance 4, & Lust 4
5P: The 5 sin regions not used with 4P above
6P: The 6 sin regions not used with 3P above
7P: The 7 sin regions not used with 2P above
8P: All sin regions except Fraud
9P: All sin regions
Clarke wrote:
I just took a good look at Brethren. All of those regions are 3 territories and all of mine are 4. My map has 12 regions and 48 territories. Brethren has 10 regions and 30 territories.

Also, on my map, the way it is designed, there are no difference in the outer sin regions. Unlike Caribbean, there are no "good locations" and "unlucky locations' to have your capital dropped. Not sure how Brethren relates.

Finally, the only real similarities in my opinion is that both maps have the same number of territories in each region and each region is relatively small.
UltrasPlot wrote:
Nothing wrong with being similar to brethren but aero discovered in testing that low connectivity (which is extreme here) detracts from the game, thus warranting the 3 extra connection lines.
The_Bishop wrote:
I have to admit that is pretty cool. After 10 minutes I was watching the image I discovered the image of Satan behind the flames! "Lovely" evil design ;) That's artistic but I don't know if it can match with site style. Surely this is something different.

What Ultras said is right. I don't think he wanted to say that this map is too much similar to another that already exists. But there is a similar concept in game-play trying to create large areas lockable inside one territory. Finally it didn't work for Brethren and here things are even more extreme as remarked by Ultras.

But there's a difference here. The starting fringes are only 4 territories, in Brethren were 6, and I think it was the main problem. I don't know, maybe should be tested, maybe should be adjusted in a more "normal" game-play creating a circular connectivity among the sin regions.

Also, I cannot understand why all territories are connected inside the sin regions. Maybe this is to avoid the "4 corners problem". But honestly I think territories touching on the corner should be considered not connected by default (like it is in United States map with Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona)
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Madagascarter wrote:
Really cool and looks Awesome! The only criticism is the red for rage is a little difficult to see otherwise AMAZING
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aeronautic wrote:
I like the fact that it looks unique.
The brightness of it all is a bit overwhelming.
I know you have put special game play notes on the map, but the 4 corners problem that the The_Bishop mentioned is normally a problem and may still initially cause confusion of attackable territories. However, I could name a few other D12 maps that have very confusing connectivity! Regardless of this, 4 corners are normally frowned upon. (In case this is confusing, 4 corners are where 4 territories meet in a cross +).
There might be an issue with the theme, but on a site based around World Domination, Greed & Genocide I don't think it will be a problem.

There is a spawn block issue with the connectivity as well as an easy off Cap' opportunity, where the main troops of each player in a 9p game will no doubt become adjacent to each other.
I have looked at all the possibilities and found that your geometric knowledge has created a situation where you wouldn't always actually be spawn blocked for the whole game if you were dropped on your adjacent Hell, because in 3p you can take all the Super Region and occupy the Hell territory, in 6p you can eliminate 1 other Cap' and do the same and in 9p you can eliminate 2 other Caps and do the same. However, as UltrasPlot pointed out, what about 4p, 5p, 7p & 8p?
There would be an unfair advantage to some players with less competition in their super region. This is exactly the problem I discovered when I thought I had worked it all out Geometrically. It also causes many stalemates when played in its intended set up of 3, 6, or 9 players. I had to find this out the hard way on my Brethren map with many hours of testing and holding up the map for many weeks, but there was a back up plan in place ready for implementing if tests proved the problem to be too apparent.

Really speaking to have this geometric style map, you would need 12 regions so as to have divisibility by 2 & 3 to cover 2p to 9p. If well arranged it is possible to have a fairer game.

Here is a handy tutorial for putting Maps into a forum: http://www.dominating12.com/forum/?cmd=topic&id=1995&page=2#post-29849

(Edit) One other concern, the background image, was it drawn by you alone? Will there be copyright issues on the image if taken directly from the Internet / from a book?
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OXEN wrote:
 I feel like promoting satan and his tools in ways to make it look "cool" is not a honest and good thing! Iam not the most religious person but I still respect all religion and all this map stands for are the worst in any religon. The one how obviously created it has now genuine values and it says alot about his personality. So I hope this map never gets done!" AM€N
iTrend wrote:
Ever thought of promoting responsibility, fairness and LOVE?

D12 is all about the GOOD in people. Not the sins.

Wow, I'm a bit surprised. I think.
iTrend wrote:
OH. Just saw the author. Scratch the "I'm a bit surprised. I think" part.

I'm not.
Matty wrote:
I bet you if you ever are going to meet Satan IRL he'll look a lot different.
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Virtuosity98 wrote:
This map looks insanely cool, hope it works out eventually :)
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UltrasPlot wrote:
Honestly I think Caribbean-style maps will only work when there's at least 3 terit between the caps... and perfectly balanced may not be the best idea