Time for a redo
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Matty wrote:
On the current map, it looks like DragonFly and Praying Mantis can attack eachother (both in the right-green region), because Praying Mantis seems to extend far into that bush at the left.

But for as far as I know they can't attack eachother right?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
marcoxa wrote:
no they can not attack eachother. even in the old version you could not.

Map update to come very soon. working on it right now
marcoxa wrote:
The map (click to show)

jpg link: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x2/123william123_2007/JungleOfDespair12_zps1271064b.jpg
Vexer wrote:
Well the DragonFly and Praying Mantis problem has not been fixed. The lines are different from the old version. The line for Cicada needs to be moved to make it obvious that DragonFly and Praying Mantis can't attack each other. The line was much better in the old version. Also the lake in the mini map still has the wrong color. It looks like the lake perimeter is less blurry, nice job there. Not sure if there were any other changes since you didn't post a change list.
marcoxa wrote:
yes i can fix the lines. the only changes i made was the saturation and lake. i will fix the other things you suggested then once that is finished i will fix the minimap.
Thorpe wrote:
The Dragonfly and Praying Mantis has the problem still...does it border each other? I think you need to move the border in Dragonfly West so there is no questions on it.

I think you need to back the forest away more from all borders and just in parts let it overflow on some of the territories, I think it is too overwelling.
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Fendi wrote:
I agree with Thorpe about the trees, I have marked the areas that I think should be edited with a circle. I have also marked an area of what appears to be a corner with an X, you also need to edit that to make it more clear which territory can attack witch.

The lake is not so blurry, which is good, but I think it's a bit sharp now, maybe you can smooth down the edges just a tad.
marcoxa wrote:
thanks fendi, that helps alot :) dont know about making the lake just a tad smoother though. its on separate layers so im not sure how i could get the effect your looking for.
Thorpe wrote:
edit that to make it more clear which territory can attack witch.

This is so fitting for her to put this in...because she is the "Witch of the North"..." edit that to make it more clear which territory can attack which witch." Is what she was trying to say....LOL

You forgot about the "X" around DragonFly.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
SpamFree wrote:
Fendi (in Live Game Chat)
@ Axobongo, there were more problems with it than just "the lake". Yes, the latest changes made it look better but it was still below the standards and to be honest, no amount of work will ever make me want to take back the map.

I still think Jungle of Despair is, or rather was, one of the best looking maps on the site.
I guess as they say, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

I was considering trying to "fix" it (though I admittedly know nothing about map-making or any graphic design), but now that Fendi has spoken, this thread seems to be without purpose :'(

There are maps that I think are rather plain or not too attractive but I like to play, there are maps that I think look GREAT but I do not like to play and most maps fall somewhere in between. The ability to choose from a multitude of maps is the real beauty that will bring in new users (and keep existing ones). Maps should remain available forever, so that there are more options, so that ALL tastes can be satisfied.


Vexer wrote:
This map was deactivated because we gave the author over a year to fix it and he failed to. He also never gave us the source file so that we could fix it ourselves and he moved on to work on another map when this one wasn't done. If the author doesn't care enough about the map to finish it how do expect anyone else to care?

The lake never got fixed to our satisfaction and the color of the lake in the mini map doesn't match. This isn't just a matter of opinion about what looks good, this is an obvious mistake and makes the site look unprofessional. It can't be tolerated.
SpamFree wrote:
Thanks Vexer for clarifying the situation.
As you suggested, I had already sent a PM to marcoxa requesting the files prior to my post above but, as expected, I have not heard anything yet.

Just because he has apparently lost interest does not mean that nobody cares.
I'd still like to have the opportunity to try to either "fix" it or get someone to "fix" it.

elysium5 wrote:
Spamfre, no one can just try and 'fix it.' Please reread the post above from Vexer.

"He also never gave us the source file so that we could fix it ourselves."

It would have to be started from scratch.
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