You did right kw_w_cheng, just go to one of your own games, and replace the number by the number your friend sent.
However, the game you tried to view didnt start yet, so it thought you wanted to join - and since you already play 5 games, you cant join.
Once the game has started you can view it decently without the annoying message in front of the map
If the game started and you still see the message you should refresh (press F5), and it will dissapear.
You did right kw_w_cheng, just go to one of your own games, and replace the number by the number your friend sent.
However, the game you tried to view didnt start yet, so it thought you wanted to join - and since you already play 5 games, you cant join.
Once the game has started you can view it decently without the annoying message in front of the map :)
If the game started and you still see the message you should refresh (press F5), and it will dissapear.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria