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marcoxa wrote:
ok i wanted to make a new thread for the upcoming tournament.

player list so far:

we still need 6 more players so invite people if you want.

also i think we have talked about Falklands hosting the games for the tournament.

so i know the chart looks confusing but i simulated a game to show you exactly how this is going to work step by step. hope it helps:



Player 1 finishes 3rd; moves to Game 5
Player 2 finishes 1st; advances to Game 8
Player 3 finishes 4th; moves to Game 5
Player 4 finishes 2nd; moves to Game 7


Player 5 finishes 2nd; moves to Game 7
Player 6 finishes 4th; moves to Game 5
Player 7 finishes 1st; advances to Game 8
Player 8 finishes 3rd; moves to Game 5


Player 9 finishes 1st; advances to Game 8
Player 10 finishes 4th; moves to Game 5
Player 11 finishes 2nd; moves to Game 7
Player 12 finishes 3rd; moves to Game 5


Player 13 finishes 3rd; moves to Game 5
Player 14 finishes 4th; moves to Game 5
Player 15 finishes 2nd; moves to Game 7
Player 16 finishes 1st; moves to Game 8


Player 1 finishes 3rd; eliminated
Player 3 finishes 1st; advances to Game 9
Player 6 finishes 2nd; eliminated
Player 8 finishes 4th; eliminated


Player 10 finishes 2nd; eliminated
Player 12 finishes 1st; advances to Game 9
Player 13 finishes 4th; eliminated
Player 14 finishes 3rd; eliminated


Player 4 finishes 4th; eliminated
Player 5 finishes 3rd; eliminated
Player 11 finishes 1st; advances to Game 9
Player 15 finishes 2nd; eliminated


Player 2 finishes 4th; moves to Game 9
Player 7 finishes 3rd; moves to Game 10
Player 9 finishes 2nd; moves to Game 10
Player 16 finishes 1st; advances to Game 10 with advantage (extra card?)


Player 3 finishes 1st; advances to Game 10
Player 2 finishes 3rd; eliminated
Player 11 finishes 4th; eliminated
Player 12 finishes 2nd; eliminated


Player 7 finishes 1st; wins tournament
Player 16 finishes 3rd; places 3rd in tournament
Player 9 finishes 2nd; places 2nd in tournament
Player 3 finishes 4th; places 4th in tournament


Final results.

marcoxa wrote:
thanks :D i worked hard to explain the chart, its very confusing.
marcoxa wrote:
great! :D Pntbttr also said he is in. so we only need 4 more now. i sent some messages to other people so hopefully to wont be to long.
marcoxa wrote:

only 3 more players to go. :D
Holt wrote:
As far as the timetable on when this Tournament starts I do not believe that has been set yet by Fendi. This is just preliminary to find out who would like to be in our next tournament. Im sure Fendi will update us on when exactly the Tournament will be held. Thank you everyone.
marcoxa wrote:
ok who is excited for this? cuz i am. upgraded the graphics on the chart just for fun :D

Thorpe wrote:
nice! I am excited!

To bad it is only Death-match not Capitals!

Is this all the games going to be? Death-matches?

What do you people hate Cap games?
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next