Need points back
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Coventry wrote:
I was in this game this morning...

The three of us all agreed to a DRAW and one of the co-equal players left. No admin came and the third player wiped me out.

"01[/b] Apr, 11:59
Coventry: Do you guys want to declare a draw?
Texx: Yes
Coventry: Ne too
Coventry: GM?
GM_Archiee: ya "

Many I ask an admin to correct the score of points and declare the game a draw ans well as return my points? Thank you
Virtuosity98 wrote:
Hey Coventry :)

I'm sure a member of staff will be happy to return those points. For future reference, sending a Private Message to a member of staff would be a more effective way of requesting returned points. This is because a little favour like this doesn't really need a whole forum thread. Also, the staff member would receive a notification from the Private Message, whereas in the forums the request may remain unread for a little while.

A list of staff and their roles can be found here. I'm pretty sure anyone who is an administrator or a programmer can return your points. Maybe moderators as well, I don't know.
It is now Day 8. Please submit your Lynch vote, as well as any Role-specific Day actions you wish to perform (countdown).
Day Actions:
• #LYNCH [player], #NO LYNCH, #ABSTAIN in forum thread.
• Role-specific actions (via PM with V98).

Coventry wrote:
Thank you Virtuos. I shall do that if it should come up again in the future. Write directly to a staff member. Thank you.