24 games
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The_Bishop wrote:
@maafi = You're such a funny Tiger! :roll:

Well it will be similar style of this one. They mostly are normal games, not 9p Caribbean, not Sametime-Fog-Unlimited-Capitals all in one, just standard things.

Really I am not sure to keep 9p capitals becuase they are pretty extreme games! But then it's funny, why not?

In any case map variety will be wider from very small to very big, so yes there will be few weird games with 9p in little space or 3p in quite large battlefield.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
I have idea to start the 40 games list soon. I can reveal it will begin with World Reduced and it will end with World Expanded.
But my intention is to play few games per time, so possibly it will take a whole year.

Before starting that I want to test a bit more Capitals with small amount of players (3 and 5) and large amount of territories (10 to 17).
So here is a list of 8 games:

5p Caps

5p x 10t -- Hawaii Dual
5p x 13t -- Med. States
5p x 14t -- Africa 1890
5p x 15t -- Baltic Sea

3p Caps

3p x 13t -- Brazil
3p x 14t -- Solar System
3p x 16t -- Europe
3p x 17t -- Hawaii Dual
The password is G8Y30360
Everybody reading this (or invited by me) is welcome to join

First two games are on:
5p Cap Hawaii Dual
3p Cap Brazil
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Ehm... well, I like you asking that, Psymon... It has something to do with our site name!

Should I let you solve the riddle by yourself?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
maafi wrote:
I'll follow you into whatever battle you lead me Bishop :)
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
The_Bishop wrote:
@Psymon, I'm a lover of the base twelve numeric system -- or "dozenal system" if you want -- and 1728 is just twelve at third, it's written "1000" in our base. Personally I call it "one mole" or normally "great gross" or "cubic dozen". Well okay this is off-topic...

I've just started 2 new games:
5p Cap Med. States
3p Cap Solar System
(same password)

@maafi, come kitty, come to me! ;D I give you your colour...
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
For example I decided to raise a bit the point limit: one mole didn't seem enough, so now is one mole and a third for the new games ("1400" in base twelve or 2304 in base ten). You see what a round number? Base twelve is more practice when you divide a round number by 3 or 4 -- that usually is much more common than dividing by 5!
For comparison, if I wanted one thousand and a third in base ten, I would have got a periodic number like 1333.3333... You cannot even write it!

So now, 2 games are in progress but 2 are still waiting for players to join:

5p Cap Hawaii Dual = in progress
3p Cap Brazil = in progress

5p Cap Med. States = 2 spots left
3p Cap Solar System = 1 spot left

Password is G8Y30360
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Well, we already have a winner! Congrats slackbatter... He got lucky really! :P
So now I think it's time to start 2 new games in the list, just 2 continental maps: Africa and Europe.

5p Cap Hawaii Dual = in progress
3p Cap Brazil = slackbatter

5p Cap Med. States = in progress
3p Cap Solar System = in progress

5p Cap Africa 1890 = waiting for players
3p Cap Europe = waiting for players

Password is G8Y30360[/quote]
Rating limit raised at 2880
("1800" in base twelve, read "1 mole, 8 gross";)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Last 2 games, very large fields:
5p Cap Baltic Sea
3p Cap Hawaii Dual
(same password)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
maafi wrote:
I'm up for Baltic but as I want to retain my 100% winning record on Hawaii Dual, I'll never play it again.
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
HammerTime wrote:
Hey guys...like these games u put on Bishop,tryed to join the Baltic cap.but I don't have the point requirement to join atm..if u have more with less restrictions.. I'd be happy to join in :) only have room for one more game till I get my premium again( soon) send pm if you have something .I have 1951 points.
Luck,is the defining factor of a good strategy
The_Bishop wrote:
oh well of course, first games where only 1728 points required, now the last are 3400.
at the next serie i will probably keep point restricion lower,
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
HammerTime wrote:
Well hopefully my points are higher soon :) have good chance so long as I don't get cornered by a tiger :) ;)
Luck,is the defining factor of a good strategy
The_Bishop wrote:
I'm enjoying the format. I think large territories capitals is a good training for some possible endgames in "normal" capital games.

Congrats Maafi for your Hawaiian win. Unfortunately most of games, even if well played, they are ending with failing shots, but this is just a coincidence...
Or maybe it's my energy that has been negative recently! I have lost a quantity of games (and points) that I could not even imagine! :S

I think Europe is the limit size for 3 players. So I'm going to remove the largest 3p game and change it with a normal sized 3p Cap's in Ancient Realm map.
Hammer, I restore the initial rating limit of 1728 so that you also can join if you want.

5p Cap Hawaii Dual = maafi
3p Cap Brazil = slackbatter

5p Cap Med. States = in progress
3p Cap Solar System = in progress

5p Cap Africa 1890 = in progress
3p Cap Europe = The_Bishop

5p Cap Baltic Sea = waiting for players
3p Cap Ancient Realm = waiting for players

Password is G8Y30360
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop wrote:
Most of games in the list are finished or finishing. I will show the results with all winners soon.
I liked the effect of playing Capitals on large territory maps because strategies are a bit different from usual.

Now before starting the big list of 40 games I would like to do another small experiment, just a mini-list of 4 games.
This is Domination on large territory maps (13 starting territories per player).
I see many playing Domination with increasing cards, but personally I'm a bit scared by the outcome, I still prefer to put a cap on the turn-ins.

So here are the games I propose:

5p Dom (cpd@15) Med. States = waiting for players
6p Dom (cpd@20) Italia = waiting for players
7p Dom (cpd@25) W. Expanded = waiting for players
8p Dom (cpd@30) Texas = waiting for players

No password required.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein