24 games
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The_Bishop wrote:
24 games with settings and maps that I like: some are very custom, some are less popular.
Domination games especially with capped cards is something interesting in my opinion, but not many play them: can be the occasion to try it if you wish.

The same settings are repeated three times with maps a bit different in size, let's call them small, medium and large, as in this chart:
Chart (click to show)
I will keep record of all games played and eventually give out some stats.

I gave priority to premium members to join but now I'm enlarging the participation to all having at least 1296 points.
Someone also joined by invitation and probably they ignore to be in my Game List.

17 games has already started (and some already finished really) but 7 of them are waiting for players yet:

3p Cap Central A. = waiting 1 more
4p Dom Balkan P. = waiting 3 more
5p D.M Japan K. = waiting 2 more
6p Dom Victron = waiting 5 more

6p Cap Medi States = waiting 3 more
7p D.M Africa1980 = waiting 2 more
8p Dom New York = waiting 4 more

Everybody can join, the password is wiacbh .

If you want to watch some of the games in progress, here the compete list with the links:
Complete List (click to show)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
All games started but 2:

6p Dom Victron = waiting 3 more

6p Cap Medi States = waiting 1 more
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Sygmassacre wrote:
Well I got one on the board....even if it was only a 3 player game. I hope that's not the only return on my investment.

On a side note I must thank you for putting together a fine selection of games. Well done and may there be many more (Y)
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
The_Bishop wrote:
Games already finished (from recent to older) with the names of the winners:

5p D.M Tor = maafi
5p D.M USA = momagajic
9p Cap New York = momagajic
4p Dom Falkland I. = maafi
4p Dom G. Britain I. = The_Bishop
3p Cap Isthmus P. = Sygmassacre
3p Cap Ancient R. = The_Bishop
7p D.M Westeros & E. = nikeboix69
6p Cap S. Africa = The_Bishop
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
supiachao wrote:
Hmm.... I have yet to win any of your game.. :(
Need to improve my skill or poison everyone else.
The_Bishop wrote:
No no wait Supia, poison is not allowed! ... but persuasion is! ;)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
aeronautic wrote:
It also helps to have a Higher Power !! ;)
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Sygmassacre wrote:
You mean like the yarpies did to the All Blacks before the 1995 Rugby World Cup final
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
supiachao wrote:
lol.. don't take me so seriously...
Possibly might win one game in a year or two.... haha..

Syg.. I had to Google to know what happen, I was still a kid and had no idea about that.
The_Bishop wrote:
I think your skills are not so bad Supiachao.
Maybe you only need to improve on dice, someone believe the mind power influences the outcome, try to always think the number of the beast when you roll the dice!
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
maafi wrote:
I thought I had tiger power on my side in the Europe Dom, but me and Hobbes were robbed
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
The_Bishop wrote:
Don't get discouraged maafi! I was just calculating some player stats for people that have played at least 5 games of my Game List.

I take into account the "first edition" -- only 8 games -- and the current edition -- 9 games already finished -- with a total of 17 games. Assigned P (number of players) points to the winner and 0 points to the losers, or 1 point each one in case of a game with no winner. Then dividing the result for the number of games played I got this:

maafi  ---  24/12  ---  2.00
momagajic  ---  15/8  ---  1.88
Sygmassacre  ---  10/8  ---  1.25
The_Bishop  ---  13/17  ---  0.76
UltrasPlot  ---  3/7  ---  0.43
Stratosphere  ---  1/5  ---  0.20
Villain191  ---  0/5  ---  0.00

That's why I wanted to say "congrats maafi"!
He surprises me for his ability to achieve in few rounds the best position on the board. Well, okay sometimes can be a lucky drop, but in almost every domination games we play I have to think how to stop maafi.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
supiachao wrote:
You mean I have to visually my dice rolling 6 6 6 each time I attack?
Hmm.. 666 I might be able to summon the demon for some help :P
The_Bishop wrote:
Last game finished won by HammerTime:

My move determined the result. Wanna just say that I have almost the troops to kill both players, with a bit of luck on dice I could achieve it, or also a bit of luck on cards (if I had two sets with 6 cards), or even if neither of them, I could kill madmouser and reduce Hammer to very low forces and win at the next round with high reinforcement and a probable set (I had 4 cards) supposing Hammer with no set (he had 3 cards). But none of these events, that solely would have favoured my win, happened. Plus I did a bad mistake in the action that forced me to split my force in 2, making things even harder for me. If the outcome of my move was already a bit uncertain with that mistake it became even more. Though I don't regret the move in general, I regret the mistake. Plus mouser's cap' was so weak and I think Hammer could exploit it for his own advantage (being after him in turn) since I felt in the need to act before him, even taking some risk. But I had good chance really.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
And another 2 games recently finished:



The first is the Europe game where Maafi the Tiger failed the shot for just 1 territory with 1 troop, and before that, Ngammoh failed the kill on Matty. Let say the game was a bit compromised with a great field of 1's and my troops in the center fortunately can reach almost everywhere. Nice try by Matty to save the game but I think it could only work with me not having a set.

The second is the 7p Asia deathmatch. I enjoyed the game. The last move required me to be very precis. I won with no double turn-in, just killing the opponent one by one with large margin of probabilities but low margin of gain from each kill. So I had to deploy carefully and plan in advance the next kill till the end. It took me almost the whole hour of my turn time.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.