Opinion. good players before not really good players.
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GhostRisk wrote:
Hi. i ban from chat. SO i ask question here. I am new player. When join game dominating12.com not fair. now game fair more. i think skill of player is wrong from old game. Any answer?
elysium5 wrote:
The skill of the player has absolutely nothing to do with the dice. The dice are the same for everyone.
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
GhostRisk wrote:
No, you wrong. i no mean dice. I mean so dominating12 make new balence dice i play more win. i win games i lose before. understand? i wonder if previous way make skill player luck. not skill. or now I luck now and skill player no luck. does balence have no change to my win or my lose?
elysium5 wrote:
The old standard dice are the same. If you select balanced dice as an option, here is a link explaining the difference:

"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
GhostRisk wrote:
you dont understand. i not talking about dice. talking about ability of player. balence dice and standard dice different, right? okay. now i only play balence dice and i win now. but with standard dice i lose more. so, what change? balence dice. okay. mean skill of players not accurate with standard dice. means players with high skill get because standard dice- not all time, but sometime. understand? they play better with standard dice. i play better with balance dice... so what that mean? i hope you understand.
4960epic wrote:
Higher skill level doesnt translate to better standard dice, all high ranked players have to do things the hard way just like everyone else.
Also when you play you have to allow for the element of luck whether it be good or bad.
Having skill means you can deal with luck along with knowing how to play the game.
I see what you are getting at though saying balanced dice would show a more accurate skill level. I have not played balanced dice yet, but from what i understand, it only evens out large amounts of troops attacking large amounts of troops.
So to me, it seems thst the dice are not as different as we percieve, but the troops you lose will generally be greater than normal with balanced dice. So the profit margins from kills will be slimmer.
You may play better with balanced dice or standard dice, the dice are not as different as we think they are.
Vexer wrote:
I think that skilled players will win more often with balanced dice because the element of luck is reduced.
GhostRisk wrote:
Vexer true. little luck more skill. i like better. so vexer can dominating show skill like b.c. and a.d. haha but b.b.d. and a.b.d.

See before balence dice and after balence dice. i think some high skill players not skill. just luck. i think more fun.

i think my skill now show more. see.
aeronautic wrote:
I have put a long winded response to this, but I need to specify first that you are only playing 1v1 games and these are mostly about the luck of the drop and who plays first, also you have had a series of 4 wins recently and in all those you went first. Four recent wins is not enough to base any facts about skill on. I also believe that since one of those wins was against davidechko123, you feel you have beaten the best player on D12. This couldn't be further from the truth. davidechko123 got his "skill points" from playing over 13000 quick same time games which he would win many due to his fast internet and computer. He also is quite good at 1v1, but can only guarantee winning if he goes first and/or has the best drop .

I think you are very much mistaken if you think that the skilled players will lose their ability to win games when using that skill with balanced dice in any game other than a 1v1 where skill is handy but mostly hindered because of the above reasons.

The only way this will become apparent is if you invite skilled players to a specified long term / live game (3p - 9p) where you will see how they appear to gain advantage and become a formidable foe, increasing in strength as the game progresses.
You must ask yourself, "how did they get so skilful?", the answer will always be, experience!

It is also possible to get luck on your side and have a large series of wins due to the initial drop, cards received, and connectivity of your troops, as well as the unfortunate actions of others, but that will level out when you play many 100's of games, where there will also be large series of losses for the same reasons. Remember, there can only be 1 winner and even if the game has 6 skilled players in it, they can't all win.

The skill level number on a players profile is not really an accurate representation of skill. Certain players may also look quite skilful to you due to their rank e.g. Sergeant, but some of these players have played many thousands of games and never got above that rank, which means they are not very skilled at all and you'll see why when you play them and they still can't calculate the required troops to successfully attack and win.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
GhostRisk wrote:
lots of words. but you only say what you think. from you view. truth is 1vs1 is still game require strategy. you right. drop, cards, turn order make difference. But balence dice also matter. luck sway is more improtant to control in 1vs1 game. yes, still luck but less luck swing. 3 dice vs 2 dice should have balence outcome. 3 men, 10 men, 10000000 men. dice still 3vs2. should be balence. so i new on d12 but no risk. less luck more skill. some on site are more lucky than others. but balence should predicting. right?
aeronautic wrote:
GhostRisk, you are not opening your mind to what dice mean to an attck or defence. There are many forum threads explaining all this.

Having 3 dice against 2 dice doesn't give you a 3 to 2 advantage.

Remember that only a maximum of the 2 highest dice are used for all attacks and that the attacker has to have a higher number on both dice to kill 2 troops. However, the defender only has to have either the same number on the dice or a higher number to kill troops.
This actually gives expected kills & losses using 3 dice verses 2 dice of 54 / 46, but that is just the mathematics of it and remember that nobody knows what numbers will be rolled. You can in reality, kill 100 and lose 0 or even kill 0 and lose 100. Some people will get more good luck and some will get more bad luck.

You will fare better if you ensure that your attacks have more than enough troops to win the victory.

All this will become more apparent when you create or join 3 player games or higher.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
aeronautic wrote:
Further to the above, you first started this topic because you felt that using Balanced Dice took away the luck that so called skilled player were dependant on and told us how since using the balanced dice you constantly win and beat skilled players. However, since then I have received messages from you and see your above post saying that the dice should give a more balanced guarantee and that you have lost many games recently because you believe the balance is off.

Just what you've experienced should answer your initial question and your current question. You need skill to be able to know the best moves, but the dice are random and can assist or resist your skilled choices. You will get luck on your side in some games and luck against you in other games.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
GhostRisk wrote:
okay. i understand. but luck should not wave like truck train. luck come random too. here sometimes luck swing only per game. like one game 30 moves. 25 of 30 unlucky for only one player? no luck. bad formula. should luck go up and down only or not. understand? is not random luck if entire game one player always unlucky. is formula only each dice roll. no matter game begin or end? no matter which player? no matter new game? game number? color? skill? Is dice roll always independent per roll no matter who roll? 
Matty wrote:
Random means unpredictable. Sometimes it can favour one player and not the others, that's what randomness means.
If it always dealt even luck to all players it would not be random.

Dice are independend of the game and its players.
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