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Clarke wrote:
I noticed on the overall ranking pages something called SKILL LEVEL.

I have been on for a week and won about 6 maybe 7 games.. But my skill level is still 0.

How does one accumulate skill level points???
lifeinpixels wrote:
Matty once said,

Its a bit complicated, but basically its this:
Have a tallie against good players, you get lots of skill points.
Have a tallie against bad players, you get nothing.

So to get skill points, you need to beat ppl that beat lots of other players.

Here is a full explanation:
Vexer wrote:
Skill level hasn't been updated since we moved to the new server. We are still working out the details on how to automate that. We can't use the same method that we were using before.
Vexer wrote:
Skill level only gets updated when I create a new Dominating 12 list because currently it has to be done manually. I'll try and remember to post here if that changes.
nikeboix69 wrote:
Has there been a change of the points system as well? I just lost 54 points in one game and the winner got 107 points in a 6 player game. The winner got more than half of his points from me! Now is that right? lol

The game:
Vexer wrote:
no there hasn't been a change to the points system. You lost so many points because you played all low rank players. A person with your amount of points is supposed to win these type of games most of the time so when you lose one it has to hurt.
maafi wrote:
Can we expect skill points to be updated at some point or is there going to be a change to the whole system?
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Vexer wrote:
I've updated it 4 times in the last week. There won't be any change to the system though we might change the name to Standings Score.
maafi wrote:
Thanks Vexer though I think I meant skill levels. Different thing?
Let’s play Twister, let’s play risk
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berserker wrote:
My skill level has never been updated, i still have 0 despite having a 50% win ratio and being second lieutenant. Will it ever be updated?
Vexer wrote:
Skill level is based of the skill of the players you are beating, not your own win ratio. You aren't beating anyone who is any good. All the players you are beating are being beaten by more players than they are beating. You get no skill points from them. Seems like your high rank is based off taking easy points from new players. New players start with 1000 points even though many of them quickly drop several hundred because they aren't any good. That means anyone who beats them in the first dozen games or so gets more points from them than they are really worth.

If you beat me for example you would gain an entire skill level for each game you win against me. Play better players if want your skill level to go up.

To clarify skill points versus skill level: You get skill points from the players you are beating and your skill level is just your total skill points divided by 10.

berserker wrote:
I've already been told that, but it's not it. For example i've defeated momagajic who's 1st Lieutenant 4 times out of the 5 we played, DelijaFCRS who's Brigadier General 3 out of 4 then when i was lower ranked i used to defeat quite lots of players that were near my rank now but still it never went above 0. 
Vexer wrote:
I apologize. Once again my arrogance led me to jump to conclusions. I didn't see that you were beating those two players. It does appear there is a problem with the skill level not getting updated for players with an ID higher than 31265. I'm looking into it.