You assume too much. The main purpose behind this was not money. This was pushed by me, the Head Cartographer, in order to encourage games to be played on a greater variety of maps. We have other small maps like Ancient Realm, Central America, Dominican Republic, Isthmus of Panama, Oregon Cities, and Saturn. It's hard to encourage map makers to make new maps when so many games are played on The Caribbean. We all want new maps and it's quite possible for someone to make a map that is better than The Caribbean.
I was quite surprised to see a player with so many tokens be the one to complain about this. You can play 133 games straight on the map before you run out of tokens. And if you want to play more then you will have to play a few games on other maps.
And your argument about children and money is flawed. Premium membership is cheap. It only costs about 50 cents a week. I'd pay my 6 year old son 50 cents a week just to clear off the dinner table every day. So for 20-30 minutes of work each week he can afford premium membership. I know this might not be true in other countries but there's not much I can do about that.
Or maybe there is something we can do about it. We could offer discounts to players from countries who's per capita income is less than $20,000 per year (see ). But it would have to be by request and not automatic. The easiest way this would work would be for the player to buy the 9 dollar or 15 dollar option and then message Fendi to ask for the discount. If your IP address is from a country that has a low enough per capita income then she could double the length of your premium membership manually, giving you a 50% discount.
The bottom line is that the site costs money to run. About $180 dollars a month and Fendi shouldn't be the one to pay for your entertainment. The volunteers put in hours upon hours of work each week making new maps and game features with no compensation. You benefit from others hard work and yet you complain about something you get for free. Not only that but you are a nuisance who doesn't follow the site's language rules like everyone else.
People who take what others give freely and then complain that they didn't get exactly what they wanted disgust me. It reminds me of the time I bought dinner for a man who was begging for money on the street. I offered to buy him McDonald's because that's what I could afford. I actually didn't have a job at the time. But he had the nerve to ask me to buy him food from the more expensive Chinese restaurant. I wouldn't have even bought myself food there because it was too expensive. Why is this concept so easy to understand in real life but so hard for people to understand on the internet? It's probably because you don't know how much it costs to run a website and you have no clue how many hours of labor we have put into the site.
You assume too much. The main purpose behind this was not money. This was pushed by me, the Head Cartographer, in order to encourage games to be played on a greater variety of maps. We have other small maps like Ancient Realm, Central America, Dominican Republic, Isthmus of Panama, Oregon Cities, and Saturn. It's hard to encourage map makers to make new maps when so many games are played on The Caribbean. We all want new maps and it's quite possible for someone to make a map that is better than The Caribbean.
I was quite surprised to see a player with so many tokens be the one to complain about this. You can play 133 games straight on the map before you run out of tokens. And if you want to play more then you will have to play a few games on other maps.
And your argument about children and money is flawed. Premium membership is cheap. It only costs about 50 cents a week. I'd pay my 6 year old son 50 cents a week just to clear off the dinner table every day. So for 20-30 minutes of work each week he can afford premium membership. I know this might not be true in other countries but there's not much I can do about that.
Or maybe there is something we can do about it. We could offer discounts to players from countries who's per capita income is less than $20,000 per year (see ). But it would have to be by request and not automatic. The easiest way this would work would be for the player to buy the 9 dollar or 15 dollar option and then message Fendi to ask for the discount. If your IP address is from a country that has a low enough per capita income then she could double the length of your premium membership manually, giving you a 50% discount.
The bottom line is that the site costs money to run. About $180 dollars a month and Fendi shouldn't be the one to pay for your entertainment. The volunteers put in hours upon hours of work each week making new maps and game features with no compensation. You benefit from others hard work and yet you complain about something you get for free. Not only that but you are a nuisance who doesn't follow the site's language rules like everyone else.
People who take what others give freely and then complain that they didn't get exactly what they wanted disgust me. It reminds me of the time I bought dinner for a man who was begging for money on the street. I offered to buy him McDonald's because that's what I could afford. I actually didn't have a job at the time. But he had the nerve to ask me to buy him food from the more expensive Chinese restaurant. I wouldn't have even bought myself food there because it was too expensive. Why is this concept so easy to understand in real life but so hard for people to understand on the internet? It's probably because you don't know how much it costs to run a website and you have no clue how many hours of labor we have put into the site.