4 player per map
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Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
its based on 4 player maps and 12 maps and 12 players , Classic settings increased no fog chained 36 hours per turn !
1. @Blagoje_Jovovic
2. @andymech
3. @CaptainKathryn
4. @Dogbreath
5. @green-pig2
6. @Hoodlum
7. @SN007
8. @MarshyMotty
9. @Vicious
10. @socks
11. @largearmy
12. @mjawad
1st place 50%    
2nd place 35%    
3rd place 15%    
Donations: @Blagoje_Jovovic 5000 @andymech 5000 @Vicious  20 000 ( pending)
Blagoje_Jovovic is online.
CODIAC wrote:
I just noticed that you're full. No worries and I realized that I'll be on vacation in less than 6 weeks. Don't add me. Thanks