Only by invitation
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The_Bishop wrote:
36 participants invited by private message. Highest ratings only.

The idea of this is to play classic Risk on our 42-territory maps, with 6 players per game.
The 6 winners of the 6 games access to the final game.
The winner is then elected the King of Predators!

The tournament is pretty simple, 7 long-term games in all, with single elimination, i.e. who loses the first game is out, who wins it goes to the final; 6 players in each game, classic increasing death-matches, on maps with 42-44 territories.
Chained fortification, 24h per turn.

Simple but not so quick because it is in 2 rounds, however it's a low business because it's only 1 game at a time for each player.

Tournament scheme (click to show)
Tor map and Solar System are also included, but they are not shown in the scheme.
The six rating leaders play in different games and they can decide the map they want.
Every game on a different map to promote map variety.

In the early editions there was a different selecting parameter called 'beta-predominance' which was finally rejected, you can read about it here. Now it's only based on normal rating, and of course you have to be in the D12 list in order to prove your rating.

CHRONOLOGY OF KINGS (click to show)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Rockbert wrote:
what are the qualifications for this one?
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
The_Bishop wrote:
what are the qualifications for this one?
The 36 top players in the D12 list. Someone will refuse so I'll probably invite people up to #50.
Rockbert, you'll receive almost certainly the invite by private message.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
periwinkle wrote:
Just 2 games? Sure I'm in. I'm assuming I'll select a ill pick Tor.
The_Bishop wrote:
In a few hours several prestigious names have already accepted the invite, I'm glad of this!
I'm not listing them here, you can just check the list of participants in the tournaments page.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Rockbert wrote:
what are the qualifications for this one?
The 36 top players in the D12 list. Someone will refuse so I'll probably invite people up to #50.
Rockbert, you'll receive almost certainly the invite by private message.

Thanks Bishop!
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
dough_boy wrote:
In a few hours several prestigious names have already accepted the invite, I'm glad of this!
I'm not listing them here, you can just check the list of participants in the tournaments page.
I don't think we can see it. Maybe you are saying eventually we will be able to see it.
The_Bishop wrote:
@coco, @KaiserKnud, @ENGELBREKT, @clarkenfeld, @dough_boy, @God_of_War, @DukeOfWellington, @Abs, @kramerq, @Beav14, @simomosi, @General_Ender, @jfults, @gameplayer, @richierich, @periwinkle, @slackbatter, @sfclimbers, @JCaesar69, @Irob, @The_Bishop... Waiting for 15 more, I'm extending the invitation to the top 45 in the D12 list.

Forgot to mention: every game on a different map to promote variety. The top 6 in rating decide the maps they want to play. New Zealand and Tor are taken from Slack and Peri. I'm not sure who's #3, s/he will have to choose one of this: Solar System, United States, West Indies, Falkland Islands, Switzerland or Balkan Peninsula.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
Updated list:

1okGeneral slackbatter6850
2okGeneral periwinkle5770
3okGeneral JoeySe7en5755
4okDominator Irob5105
5okBrigadier General maafi4501
6okLieut Colonel ENGELBREKT3893
7okLieutenant Colonel jfults3860
8okPrivate dough_boy3432
9okCaptain clarkenfeld3407
10okCaptain Abs3386
11okCaptain coco3209
12okLieutenant The_Bishop3190
13okLieutenant kramerq2932
14ok2nd Lieutenant Beav142831
15ok2nd Lieuten General_Ender2754
16ok2nd Lieutenant simomosi2721
17ok2nd Lieutenant God_of_War2707
18okPrivate JCaesar692699
19okChief War Officer gameplayer2662
20okChief War Officer sfclimbers2458
21okSerg Major DukeOfWellington2456
22okChief War Officer richierich2420
23okWarrant Officer Rockbert2333
24okSergeant Major riskyone2296
I'm extending the invites to #53. Now it's 'first in first served'.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.