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Mdhaglund wrote:
Not sure the last couple people will be entered if the requirements for the tourney are the same as the first capitals tourney in this post. They don’t have the minimum 50 caps games
Hoodlum wrote:
God_of_War wrote:
Probably decided he couldn't do it anymore. He probably said Yes nearly 4-6 weeks ago before it started.

I thank him for resigning vs having us all wait 24 hours x2. 

I found it - June 30... so 8+ weeks ago
Hi there!
The_Bishop wrote:
Congratulations to Blagoje_Jovovic for the good performance!
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
ty for participating... congratulations to the winner, and podium finishers.

Tale of the tape
Most Points (53) and winner of the tournament...
@Blagoje_Jovovic [image]- wins 7000 tokens
4x 9 player games. 3 x 6 player games. 2x4 player games
runner up duo..tied (44 points)
@Riskk - wins 1500 tokens
1x9 player games. 6x6 player games. 2x4 player games
@God_Of_War wins 1500 tokens
5x9 player games. 1x6 player games. 5x4 player games

honourable mentions
Most Wins = 10 - came in at 4th place
1x9 player game. 3x6 player games. 6x4 player games

@Texx & @andymech dominate 4 player caps..
@Riskk dominates 6 player caps
@Blagoje_Jovovic dominated 9 player caps

more stats.
God_of_War wrote:
:thumbs: thank you Hoodlum
Add me for next one I must deffend my title.

Congrats to you! My prediction was correct! Ha. 

Look forward to the next cap tournament.
Hi there!