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lionheart wrote:
Anyone brought up next playable game feature, just a link that pops up at the end of a turn to jump to next game. Saves a couple of clicks having to go back to turns page. Any thoughts?
Matty wrote:
When you are on the game page, click the link to the game you want to play while pressing Ctrl. It will open in a new tab.
When you are done with your turn, press Ctrl+W, the tab will close and you can Ctrl-click the new game :)

If you want to be really cool about this, install vimperator and you won't have to use the mouse at all!
Who needs RSI anyway.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty is online.
Matty wrote:
Well, you should be able to keep two tabs open on that one as well I guess.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
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lionheart wrote:
iPad lacks right clicks and a Ctrl key, I can open tabs but it becomes just as long a process. It's not a big problem to me, it only saves seconds. its just a feature I like on conquer club, also not everybody on here is going to know shortcuts.
Vexer wrote:
I think it's something we need in order to compete. I never added it to the to do list since I use tabs anyway.

I am not sure where to put it on the interface. Any ideas? Preferably do a screen shot and draw in where you want it to go.

lionheart wrote:
Where the message comes up saying your turn is finished? It's right in the middle so may be if people still want to see map may have a problem, in which case along the top where all troop moving options are. I prefer middle of the screen
Vexer wrote:
good idea. i would prefer it only show up if the game is not a live game though cause it's probably better not to help people navigate away from their live game.