a possible solution
  • 6 posts
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lifeinpixels wrote:
Well this may not be a complete solution to players leaving games, but I think it would be really cool to have players that leave give up more points to the winner. That way, they are incentivized not to leave, and the winner gets compensated for waiting through a couple of dud turns. What do you guys think of this idea?
Vexer wrote:
Or I could just finally get around to programming the resign button. Unfortunately some other really important things that needed programing came up.
lifeinpixels wrote:
But even with a resign button, leaving a game even when necessary is rude and disrupts the dynamics of the game. I think they should have some sort of small penalty.
LordVader wrote:
I think a fair solution, if its possible, player that resigns territory all become a neutral territory of three armies, and 2x the lost points
lifeinpixels wrote:
As stated in a different thread, automatically changing all of the leaving players armies to 3s is unfair to those surrounding him.