a variation
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Matty wrote:
It's on my list yes, but so are alot of other things, so have a bit of patience please :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty wrote:
Ok, I just changed this.

Non premium members add the normal hour when clicking the add time button, for premium members it now adds the turn time (24 hours).

We already can restrict add-time-abusers, so no need to get an add a something for premium abusers, they will just get the live add timer disabled as well.

I did not test it, so tell me if its working or not :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
lifeinpixels wrote:
Thanks! One thing I think would make it a lot more useful... can we add the extra time before it's actually our turn? I'm envisioning a scenario where I know I won't have internet for a day, so being able to add time before the turn actually starts is crucial.
Matty wrote:
Ehhhhhh, good point. Why didn't I think about that....

Hmmz, not sure how to do that easily though.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
LordVader wrote:
What about this... if you miss your turn, then your 24 hours add time will be added if you cant play the turn? No penalty against tokens for missing turn either.

I say this only cause we dont want this add time to be abused, right? I think this would be a perfect scenario. Since we dont want to abuse this right, and make other players wait we can get the +24 hours. I mean that is why its there for cause the player cant play.

Let me know what you guys think?

killrick wrote:
i like the idea lord
better to get to play your turn even if you miss it but there should be no second chances. one shot deal, miss a 2nd and your dead
takes care of the abusers and keep the game rolling along proper
i would rather wait another day for my turn than to see an opponent miss a turn messing up the game
Cireon wrote:
However, this will leave you waiting for another 24 hours for players that turned inactive on the website.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Matty wrote:
It is premium only, so that is not the problem usually.

However, this will give premiums the option to accidentally miss their turns, getting laxer and easier to lengthen games.
Since they don't have a limit, it is less bad for them, but for non premiums its kinda stupid to have to wait another 24 hours because a premium member overslept.

So I don't really like the idea here. If you know in advance you are going to be away for a day it is a different thing altogether.

@Killrick, if everyone agrees to add more time in the game, send a message to a moderator and he can just add more time.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
MuzuaneAskari wrote:
I like the idea of Lord as well, because it fits perfectly in my current situation.

@Matty, I know you said that you don't know an easy way to do it. Let me make it harder ;-) It would be great I could ask for extra time if I am not sure I can play the turn in 24 h, but in case I can do it on time I can "delete" the extra time I asked for in advance.

Please, don't think I enjoy making your life a nightmare.
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
Matty wrote:
Lol, there is a difference between a challenge and a nightmare :)

But challenges take time, so I can't just implement them at any time, and it might take longer before it's implemented.

Now about your suggestion: it is exaclty the same as lord vader, because you can just press the "add time if I timeout" button after each turn, and it wont cost you anything unless you actually time out (but then lord vader suggested that to happen automatically).

What I like about Pixel's idea is that you can go on a two day vacation sometimes, but you cannot sleep a bit longer this morning while being lazy yesterday...
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Vexer wrote:
I support the idea to be able to add time before it's your turn but I don't want it to be automatic for the reasons matty and cireon gave.

Programming that will be a mess. There are related bits of code all over the place.
LordVader wrote:
the reason I said that was if your not able to play your turn, bad internet connection, computer crash, etc. That's the only reason I stated for automatic.

@Vexer im sure the programming would be difficult, I cant say I dont know what you mean by it being a mess since im not a programmer, but appreciate all you guys do to make the game-play better and always looking for better options to make the experience of D-12 the best
Matty wrote:
Ok, I tried implementing this now.

For non premium members the add time button will add 1 hour (everything in this post is about long term games only), the vacation button wont work.

For premium members the add time button will add 24 hours to your current turn.
There is a vacation button that will add 24 hours as soon as it is your next turn. Using it will count as using an add-timer, so you can do it a limited times per game.

I cannot guarantee that it also works for same time games. The code is there, but didn't test it.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
MuzuaneAskari wrote:
But, what happens if we finally don0t need the extra time. Can we "use" it again?
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra