A way to please more players.
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Glanru wrote:
It is difficult for new players, and lower skilled older players to earn their place in the Dominating 12 game. Skill seasons can help with this, a period of time where your skill is tracked separately from your all time skill. You could take one season to play nothing but strange settings where most game outcomes are determined by luck, such as no cards 8 player fog. Then, the next season you could try for the Dominating 12 game by focusing on games you think you are more inclined to win than your opponents. Plus, who wants to see the same people in the top game every time? Even if the same people earn it, they would have much greater competition if everyone started over at the start of each season. I think this will entice new players to try harder from the start, and be nice for older players as well.
Holt wrote:
Hmm.. Instead of seasons should we try this every month or quarter? That way there is a chance that each time we have the DXII game there could be an entirely new set of players each time.
Vexer wrote:
I think this idea could solve some problems and help complete the theme "Dominating 12."

There would be 4 seasons a year and at the end of each season we would have a d12 game to compete for the title of dominator. Only the points earned that season will be used to determine who the dominating 12 are. That way you have to earn your spot each time instead of just sitting at the top and not playing games so that you don't lose any points.

Your season points would be calculated separately from your all time points. At the beginning of the season every player would start out with 1000 points but you would keep you all time points. When you finish a game everyone's all time points get calculated using their all time points and their season points get calculated using everyone's season points.

For example:
All time points:
Average Points - 2000, Player B wins
Player A: 3000 | (3000/2000) * 20 = 30 points lost
Player B: 2000 | 40 points gained
Player C: 1000 | (1000/2000) * 20 = 10 points lost

Season points:
Average Points - 1100, Player B wins
Player A: 1200 | (1200/1100) * 20 = 22 points lost
Player B: 1100 | 40 points gained
Player C: 1000 | (1000/1100) * 20 = 18 points lost

This will encourage the top players to play more games because they will see their season points grow faster than their all time points and they will have to play more if they want to be in the dominating 12 again.

It will also encourage the newer players to try hard and play more games because they won't be so far behind the players who have been playing here for years.

I think such a system would be a far more accurate way to determine who is currently doing the dominating than using skill points per games played, since you can gain a disproportionate amount of skill points by getting lucky a few times in games with players who have a high skill level.

Ranks would still be based on your all time score so you wouldn't lose your rank at the beginning of every season.
Vexer wrote:
It doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to me. I wouldn't have suggested it if I hadn't first worked out a few ideas about how it would be programmed into the system.
MuzuaneAskari wrote:
If we are talking about new clasifications I would like to make some sugestions.

1) @Vexer, if you were thinking about an ELO clasification, wouldn't be Skill Seasons a good oportunity to test it?
2) There is no difference between winning a 7 cap games in Saturn board or in Extended one. I think that in Saturn with so many players luck is a factor too big. Wouldn't be possible to make something ATP pòints? Or to make it easier; create some games where:

  • null
    the winner can play the Dominating12.
    the winner can get points to be in the clasification to play the D12 game.
How can you play these games? We can choose many ways of getting an inivtation: 1) winning a 9 players game; winning 5p cap game; winning a game where there were 4 players higher ranked than you...

Now, I am a bit bored about how people is so worried about points. I have the impression of many players want to get many points too fast, the consecuence is playing too many games and when they think they don't have too many chances they make their last try (which means a very risky movement in order to try to get the points). I have the feeling that the games are looked as a way of getting points and not as a game itself. That's why I think we should to create different clasifications.

I also would like to suggest the option to create an account where you don't play for points (not a second account). I would like to be there, as MuzuaneAskari, without rank/points playing games with players who are looking on the board the same I am looking for (fun and challenge) accepting the fact that I will lose all my points and that I cannot play "point games".
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
Vexer wrote:
Yes, skill seasons would be a good chance to try out new systems. Thanks for the idea.

I'm not yet sure what I want to say about the rest of your post though.
Vexer wrote:
We treat these forums topics kind of like votes so if you like or dislike this idea please say so.
Matty wrote:
My main concern is that ppl who dominate in fixed games might not have a chance to be in the dominating 12
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty is online.
Vexer wrote:
We could determine the d12 by using 50% all time score, 50% season score.

Also, I am wondering if fixed card games that are > 3 players should be worth on average 30 pts per player instead of 20 since it takes more skill and more time to win them.
Cireon wrote:
You could also do something like:
60% is determined by the current season.
25% is determined by the previous season.
15% is determined by the season before that.
Though I don't think that is the best idea, so doing a 50%-50% cut on the all-time score might not be a bad idea. This will basically "smoothen" the players in the dominating 12. So very good players that have a bad month can still be in the top 12. Is that what is wished for?
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card