play for points or play for fun
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GenghisKhan wrote:
I wish we had a option to play games for fun and not risk our points.. i am more than willing to loose my points but sometimes their are very few higher ranked players.  So mabey we could get a Ranked game option in game setup and a casual game option in game set up..  their are days that i just want to play risk for fun. it would be a good wat to have beginners hone their skills against a veteran player... Just an idea tell me what you think. I think it would be a good addition to D12 my favorite site on the web..... 
Matty wrote:
This idea is already somewhere on the todo list.

However, adding extra settings gives a great problem: where to put the list of all settings?
Maybe ingame a tab with all of them, but we really need a redesign of the long term game lobby, create a game page etc. :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
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MuzuaneAskari wrote:
I don't like very much the idea, just because I think I don't understand it.

I always play for fun (so I usually lose a bunch of points in games where I have almost nothing to win), and I enjoy it. What I don't know, how would people play in "serious" games? Normal? This means that the other games would they play too risky? And what is worse, when they play the Points games they would be so interested about points that people will get really angry if somebody does something they don't like and take it personally??

If some change is going to be make I vote for eliminating points.
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
Fendi wrote:
This option has been discussed many times, I personally would like to see it since it can be used for the training programs. They are not as popular as they used to be but some are still asking for coaching.
Vexer wrote:
If we called it a training game instead of a pointless game it might change the way people think about it.
MuzuaneAskari wrote:
But I think that Pointless games and Training program are different things. In a training program you have to be a coach or a trainee.

I guess you can also be there to complete a game where many players are required, but in that case you should help in the training, I mean, you have to focus in letting people get new skills instead of playing to win.

What is a pointless game? A game where you don't care losing? What does it mean? I am sorry but I still don't understand it
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
Matty wrote:
A 'pointless' game is a pun on a game without points.
So if you lose it, you dont lose points, tallies, but you don't gain anything either.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
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MuzuaneAskari wrote:
Matty my questions were about the attitude of the players in these games? I don't know why should be better to play without losing points (appart from the Training Program).

I guess my problem is that I wouldn't know where to play if this suggestion is done. Because I want to play with people who enjoy when playing but play to win (and what it most important, seriously) and it looks like if this is implemented my two requirements won't be together too often.
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
-NoXoN- wrote:
MuzuaneAskari wrote: I don't like very much the idea

 Same here =) but as you can see there are some users who like to play games without losing points.
 Maybe is good idea to play with this option when new map is available so you like to learn the map first or any gametype?
Cireon wrote:
Well, the default option would be with points of course. Games without points would be for training games or games you play with a friend (maybe with a huge point difference). "Normal" games would just be like they are now.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Matty wrote:
Whatever way, if this is implemented you can only have one game like that open at a time.
I personally won't play these games, unless its to learn a new player how to play a 1 vs 1 :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
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Thorpe wrote:
Most players do not like to train new players and they love the points they get from them.

Points and skill are great the way they are and I think what MuzuaneAskari is asking...why play if you do not want to win? That in itself is a pointless game! Do I get a award for showing up? 

I would think that you would have more missed turns and players being kicked for missed turns...I do not like the idea at all.  "Training Games"...just give points back at the end or ask a Admin. to stop the game before there is a winner.

So really they only way is through a Admin. and that is the way it should stay.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next