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1771 wrote:
Okay here we go again, same topic different day...I could replace topic with another word, but hey we are a family friendly site :)

WE HAVE TO STOP THE SUICIDING / KAMIKAZE!!!!!! It ruins the game for everyone...makes people win unearned games, which personally I want all my wins to be deserving as most people that play here does. I know we have personally been through this topic MANY MANY times, and i'm starting to feel like Pete and Repeat here with this. I know there are a few people that play here, that just don't seem to understand how this is such a bad thing.

I also understand that even myself will sometimes kill me and another person to prove a point in a game, ( such as don't build next to my capital in a capital game ) It is something I just don't accept, I feel a person should be more calculative than that. And they obviously are looking for a I will help them to find it. That is the only time I may just go all out. I would NEVER just go all out, unless I am feeling threatened by a particuliar player namely in the capital games I have described. Why give up my game or ruin everyone elses? Makes no sense.

Here is a great reason NOT to suicide / kamikaze...Your reputation that you hold here. I know personally for me I want to invite people to a game and them WANT to play me, with out the worries of a suicide or me ruining their game, and FRANKLY put PEOPLE DO NOT WANT TO PLAY WITH PEOPLE WHEN THEY BEHAVE THIS WAY. How do you want to be seen by others? As someone who will give them a run for their money in a game, or someone who just doesn't care, or even better someone who cares soo little that they will even RUIN the game...BELIEVE me when I say SUICIDING RUINS the game. I would rather just end the game than to get the tons of messages I get about suiciding. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE BEHAIVOR, I mean what else can I say here. PLEASE DO NOT SUICIDE??? How many times have we said this. There has to be a method to your individual madness, a strategy better than suicide. It's your reputation on the line here, what do you want to be seen as? A killer of men/women on the battlefield, or just some person that has NO strategy other than to go down killing themselves and others? I mean really, how would you handle yourself in real life...are you a quitter? I really doubt that, so please quit giving up here. PLEASE!!!!
Vexer wrote:
Play to win; every game, every turn. Look at each turn independently and make the best move. Make the move that is most likely to help you win. Retaliation and suiciding are irrational behaviors.

The rational mind of man is a shallow thing, a shore upon a continent of the irrational, wherein thin colonies of reason have settled amid a savage world.
- Wilford O. Cross

It is not to be forgotten that what we call rational grounds for our beliefs are often extremely irrational attempts to justify our instincts.
- Thomas Huxley

Human beings lose their logic in their vindictiveness.
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Intuition is a suspension of logic due to impatience.
- Rita Mae Brown

Nothing defines humans better than their willingness to do irrational things in the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoffs.
- Scott Adams

There's no evidence whatsoever that men are more rational than women. Both sexes seem to be equally irrational.
- Albert Ellis

If the opponent offers keen play I don't object; but in such cases I get less satisfaction, even if I win, than from a game conducted according to all the rules of strategy with its ruthless logic.
- Anatoly Karpov

But all that being said,

A life based on reason will always require to be balanced by an occasional bout of violent and irrational emotion, for instinctual drives must be satisfied

- Cyril Connolly
Paddlin wrote:
I think the problem is that in the world of the internet, people can just do whatever they like without any actual consequences. I've noticed that some people gain satisfaction not in winning, but in knowing that they have destroyed the game for people who want to win. This is weird. Although, I must admit, when a person like this comes along, it is more satisfying to see them killed off.  

"To be rational is simply to discuss any topic--religious, literary, or scientific--in a way which eschews dogmatism, defensiveness, and righteous indignation" (Richard Rorty, pg. 40, The rhetoric of the human sciences:...).
Pntbttr wrote:
What if we had advanced attacking too? Where you could choose how many troops you can take out in one turn from one person. And then when there are two players left there is no limit.
Pntbttr is online.
nanoTek wrote:
I remember this happened to someone on risk day. when it happened it put the favor of the game in another persons hand and they laughed. But when it happens to someone of importance we get a topic about it. >.>
1771 wrote:
I don't understand nanoTek? Who was the someone of importance? For your information, because it seems you don't know who it happened to. So F.Y.I. It happens to everyone and no matter who it happens to it's WRONG, yes it can be part of a game and some people will laugh about it , but more will send me a message so and so is suiciding. In this particuliar game I was there so I seen it for me own eyes, even ended the game, because after the person got suicided I would of most likely won the game so I played for 40 minutes, for nothing. Basically because I am not going to take any undeserving win. The person who got suicided on was a basic.
jamesjulius wrote:
This is another problem that is solved by password protected games. I boot suiciders off of my invitation list.

After setting up the original map, password protected games should have been step two. What happened?
Vexer wrote:
james, we just need another programmer. we already know what needs to be done. Do you know anyone who could volunteer?
Pntbttr wrote:
James are just waiting for private games you have only played 3 games
Pntbttr is online.
Vexer wrote:
@paddlin. some people think that they can say whatever they want on the internet too. Even if what they are saying does nothing to advance their argument and is only meant to demoralize their opponent.
1771 wrote:
YES YES YES !!! How right you are Vexer, it seems the internet gives some people multiple personalities, I personally don't see how a person who is most likely very respectful in life, but then throws all that out the window as soon as they sit down in front of the keyboard. Like the suiciding thing, I know most of the people doing this, is not just giving up on their own lives...that makes very little sense to me.

Zappy pretty cool goes right with your excellent saying :)

Also wanted to throw this is real quick....@NanoTek..EVERYONE HERE AT D12 IS SOMEONE OF IMPORTANCE TO ME!!! We need the new people to help the site grow and we need the veterans to help them along...Not too mention we are all people with a life....and nothing is more important than life itself.
distributor wrote:
Yes Nano Tek is right, Padlin did kamikaze attack on me in risk day. And Nano Tek- the most important person is me :D

 Im ok if someone attack kamikaze, is just a game but sometimes it makes people angry including me. I enjoy playing always.

 Also in Risk day i remember killrick said something bad to me, but he got it back :) this is me, i like to fall in the provocation sometimes and to crash some kids. Im i KING or not??? i will not change. What have to change is : 1771 must reck or warn all players, cause he didnt say anything to killrick, but he said to me. - if i remember good.

Thorpe wrote:
If you look at who the players that do Kamikaze...mostly basics or not very many games under their belt, and I do dumb moves some-times and boy do I hear it! I try to control myself not to screw it up for that player...But as Paddlin will tell you I HAVE DONE IT. I was in a game and I forgot about one country a player had and it ruined the whole game for the other players...Trying for their risk cards...not just for the one and me. (thaithai won easy on that one...Your welcome).
  So what I'm saying is that remember that we were new and didn't...and still don't like it when we think we have a plan...the other player thinks that we made a dumb move and chews us a new one for what we makes me/us want to kill them "kamikaze". 
  So before we chew some-one out ...teach them or tell them what you would have done.
  Case in point...Marwan99 and uzar64 played as a team when they first joined and my son Diddly chewed them a new one...but I took the time to tell them what they were doing wrong and now both of them have stayed on and are great players that you will see moving up in the ranks fast.
  We could of lost two new members because of that!!!

Teach...teach...teach...IN KINDNESS...teach..and then when your done...TEACH. 
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next