to do
  • 16 posts
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nanoTek wrote:
Tell me what i can do to help this site to take off? homework? forum mod, game chat councler i think thats how its spelled lol, put a sign around my neck with with DXII on it in front of pizza hut?i would like to contribute to this site as much as i can. i love it and i will dedicate myself to it.
Vexer wrote:
can you program javascript and php? that is what we really need. that and advertising which it sounds like you are already doing.

If you don't know how to program please find us a volunteer that can. Not a novice cause we don't want the site messed up and glitchy and someone who doesn't mind working for $25 worth of free premium a year. Preferably someone who is as into Risk as you are and understands the game well. The only other qualification is that it be someone who is loyal to the site and a very loyal and trustworthy person in general.

Also, keep those awesome maps coming. You can help me with my job once you get some more experience and are more well known on the site.
1771 wrote:
Okay the other day you got me thinking nanotek, so this is what I came up with Craigslist in your city. Let's do some free advertising. I made this ad and posted it in my city.

We have a free site so AWESOME, especially for you people who like war games and strategy games. Ever heard of the board game Risk? Well this is alot like it, but with amazing maps and great graphics. Not to mention the best players, we are a family friendly site. No cussing, no flash ads, no type of anything that I wouldn't allow my own 7 year old son to see, why? Because he plays there as well. Here is the link. Please check it out. We are a young site so we are still growing, please look carefully, when you join you will be given tokens, you will need to use those tokens to purchase some maps, and certain game types. Such as capital games. We have a variety of maps and more in the making. When you first join go to the MY SHOP, purchase a couple of maps with the tokens I mentioned before, and you will see there are regular games waiting for you to join. It may look rather dead to you at first, but I assure you it is not. If you look closely there may be a live game going on, in a live game there are other players right there playing with you, everyone has 5 min. to take their turn in live games. In a regular game you are giving 24 hours to take a turn. Everyone has the ability to chat while playing as well. You are allowed 4 games with regular membership, when I first started playing there I would join 3 regular games, and save 1 of my 4 games to go live with. Then I purchased the premium membership where I was allowed unlimited games for only $25.00 a year. This is an AWESOME site, and it's 100% safe. I promise. There is my E-mail address if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Can you do the same in your city? And will anyone else be willing to do the same in their city? Let's help our site grow. I think it's a pretty good ideal. If you wanted you could just copy and paste what I have wrote, or come up with your own.
Vexer wrote:
to be more specific. we're looking for a php/mysql/javascript programmer. We're heading to a CodeIgniter javascript framework in the future.
nanoTek wrote:
Vexer I think I know just the guy. He's a super computer geek and im sure he knows his way around the stuff you listed off.

1771 i sure will.
Pntbttr wrote:
ASOME!!!!!!! So we might start getting more options like kings and capture?
Vexer wrote:
but is he a risk geek?

Get him to join the site and start building a name for himself. We have to get to know him before we can trust him with our code.
Dsds7292 wrote:
One problem 1771, There is cussing on this site. I have had several bad experiences
Vexer wrote:
eventually we will get a filter for the chat and the forums to take out cussing.
1771 wrote:
Yes dsds you are right, something we all need to work on until the filter happens. It is our responsibility to help out with that. I can't be in every game, and even I sometimes slip here and there. I am happy with how things are progressing here. Soon there will be even more changes, and hopefully the filter will be in place. Until then we just have to keep reminding everyone that this IS a family friendly site.
Pntbttr wrote:
Wait a sec doesn't 4mygod know how to program or what ever I mean he used to own the site can't he do a little of that in his free time?
1771 wrote:
4myGod has no free time pntbttr which is why he passed the site on to Teck, he is very busy with Gods work, which I am sure most would agree is more important than D12, as much as even I hate to admit it. It is.