may bring more people
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1771 wrote:
recently i have had my son join and now my nephew as well and both times after joining i took them to the regular games page and it looked like we had absolutely nothing going on, because the other games don't show up for them without having to purchase maps. I see this as a problem for new guys coming here, because they look at the games we have and most likely think there just isnt many games here or players, after talking with Vexer about this he informed me that some people come here from conquer club and think the same thing, or worse some even think they have to purchase the maps with real money and dont even give the site a chance. what I am suggesting is that we make all the maps free, so they know right from the beginning hey this site is pretty active. I am looking for feedback to take to Teck. So, what do you ladies and gentlemen think about this?
Votazap wrote:
i think that idea is awesome,question,would gametypes be free as well????
Vexer wrote:
I had originally asked Teck to reduce the cost of maps to 100 tokens but now after talking to some new players I think it would be best for the site if we did away with tokens completely. The system really turns off players who already play on other sites because they don't have that system there. And yes like 1771 said, the site looks completely dead most of the time to new users because they haven't purchased any maps yet and they don't stick around long enough to figure it out. 

There is a site out there that lists and reviews all the online risk sites and people go down that list from top to bottom giving each site about a 5 minute look and then they move on to the next site until they decide which site they like best. The review site already accuses us of not being that active so when new players see that there aren't any regular games to join, they just move on to the next site on the list.

Believe me i fully understand and agree with all the arguments for having tokens, but at this point I think they do more harm than good.

Instead of having to buy game types I think that there is another way to ensure that players have read about how to play capitals or fog before they join a game. The first time they try to join a caps or fog game there would be a pop up that explains the game type with an "i understand" button at the bottom.

We have a whole thread about tokens for ranks and no one can come to an agreement about anything. The best we could do was a compromise. I like the idea of tokens because it guarantees that cheaters won't be able to get high ranks that fast because they won't have the tokens to buy the rank anyway. Here is the problem though. People gain skill points at different rates and the really good players, the kind we really want on this site, gain points much faster than they get tokens. Some of them are frustrated by not being able to get the rank they deserve and they eventually leave the site. (this has happened)

It is impossible to get the token requirements right for every player and it is difficult to get the requirements close for all players. My new opinion is that the whole system should be scrapped. Ranks should be automatic. Though I do like that other players can't see exactly how many points I have, they just know my rank.

I don't think that scrapping the token system would make this site too much like the other sites. I will still always play here because this site doesn't have clans and has a good policy for missed turns. This is all the difference I need to keep me here.

At the very least we should make all the maps free. This will be the least destructive thing to the current system that we could change.
Doing this alone won't however solve the problem 1771 presented because new users still won't be able to see fog games and most of the games that are waiting for players are fog.

Vexer wrote:
I appreciate you two stating your support. Who else is in agreement? We really need to know who is for and who is against this.
1771 wrote:
I agree doing away with having to purchase (with tokens) any maps or ranks really needs to be scrapped, i like the pop up window explaining exactly what game someone is playing and how it is played maybe with the little i agree button so they dont just jump in a cap game or fog of war game not knowing, ESPECIALLY with the capital games because alot of the time i am in a capital game and someone will join in not knowing how to play and cost everyone the game. Sometimes it even makes me a little picky about who i play with, and personally i don't want to be picky, i will give everyone a shot.

I will bring this up to Teck and send him a message referring him to this page, but like everyone said we need more comments on this.
lucide wrote:
Maps should be free. But, for me, the main reason why newcomers do not stay long, is the speed of the server, and a bit hard to cope game interface. Otherwise, it wouldnt hurt to play a few games, to see different, authentic maps of this place.
Vexer wrote:
When you get enough points for a rank you automatically get that rank without having to buy it.
I realize that you, votazap, are trying to hide your skill by being a basic. But you can't really hide that way anyway because you already have 2 skill points and will continue to get more.
Besides don't you think it's a little shady to pretend that you are a newbie when you are not?
Vladimir wrote:
Maps should definitely be free if it will make more people join and stay. The pop up that would explain how to play caps and fog would be great.
Vexer wrote:
you would only get the popup the first time you play that gametype