ultra quick games
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anuorre wrote:
any chance you can implement super quick 1 min turns?

the default can still be 3 min. but this is helpful for faster games that some players might like.
The_Bishop wrote:
The default it's 5 minutes I think. In my opinion it's the right time for the newcomers.
1 minute turns, Yes, I'm favourable.
Especially useful for same-time games.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Hoodlum wrote:
any chance you can implement super quick 1 min turns?

the default can still be 3 min. but this is helpful for faster games that some players might like.
yes please programmers :)
Cireon wrote:
We just can't promise the stability of the server. It both concerned the number of calls causing load to the server, and the lower time limit means there's less time to deal with potential server hiccups. That means we're causing the staff more effort to handle the fallout of those games that need to be cancelled or their points returned.

Just play your three minute turns faster.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Axobongo wrote:
We really need a 4 min turn setting!!!
There is a perpetual opinion controversy by those who imagine 5 min turns make a longer game, even though if you study the logs you will see people’s turn taking time average is the Same. 
I am for 1 min turns because it’s a crazy silly idea for playing a frenzied game.
But I am MORE for 4 min turn option to work as a happy medium between the 3min vs 5min controversy,,
note: We need to find ways to encourage more live game action.
I won’t join a 3 min turn multiplayer game anymore, I learned my lesson. Others won’t join a 5 min turn, ( and I am sure because they lack experience playing 5 min turn multiplayer, even if they have respectable experience playing live multiplayer games)
Thus, let’s try 4 min as a compromise. Please.
“Man plans, Dice & Cards laugh” ~ Axo
Hoodlum wrote:
just a drop down choice from 1 to 7 minute choices would be sweet.
i know the thinking is that the 1 minute games will stress the server or whatever, but only sametimers would be the ones mainly using that option. what sametimers? not that many :)
we could test it out?... offer it as a premium option? i'd pay for it :)
SHJENKE wrote:
Who is a programmer in the D12 team?
I humbly request you to add the option for 1 min turns. Thank you
Have a blessed day
God bless you
Gond Bless d12
SHJENKE wrote:
We just can't promise the stability of the server. It both concerned the number of calls causing load to the server, and the lower time limit means there's less time to deal with potential server hiccups. That means we're causing the staff more effort to handle the fallout of those games that need to be cancelled, or their points returned.

Just play your three-minute turns faster.

The problem is with players that wonder off and take their turn 1-2 min after their turn start or miss their turn. I do understand your concern, but lets do an demo, and try