house rule?
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jamesjulius wrote:
Is it true that on this site you can not cash in your card matches immediately after eliminating an opponent and continue your turn?
Glanru wrote:
Which confuses me. If you eliminate an opponent and gain their cards and the result is six cards and two sets, you can turn them both in. The only reason you are turning in cards in the first place is to reduce the number of cards (after the end of your turn) to be five or less in total.

If you allow double turn ins you should allow single turn ins under five cards.
jamesjulius wrote:
That's what I was thinking, but I just couldn't remember the Risk rule, which is as blockbuster says.

It's a good rule. It makes you think more.
1771 wrote:
The original board game rule is that if defeating an opponent gives you six or more cards, then you have the option to turn in as many matches as you have. It is up to the attacker. Which is why we all love this site, it's so close to the real thing you can almost see the dice rolling!
jamesjulius wrote:
Yes, I looked up the rule, but I don't remember playing that way. That means if defeating an opponent gave you a total of 5 cards, then when you finished the move you would end up holding six and waiting for your next turn.

Being able to cash and continue at 5 cards seems to make more sense.