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ataker wrote:
What if we make a tournament?

For example:

Minimum 5 games between 2 players. Two of them with adjacent/fixed and two with increasing/chained, only deathmatches to make it simple. 5th game will be a choice of a person who wins 2 games 1st.
Timelimit for one round can be 3days or 4 5 7. Whatever is best for every1. So the person who wins most out of 5 games goes to the next round (it can be 7 or 9 games, depends on what both opponents will agree but 5 min.)

So lets say its 16 participants - after 1st round only 8 will be left, after 2nd round - 4 so on...

If we talk to administrator, it would be great to do prizes for 1st 2nd 3rd. Prizes could be points, 1000 for 1st place for example. Maybe a picture with a tournament Cup in personal info for the winner.

This idea requires little of supervision and not much of programming.

Is any1 interested?
ataker wrote:
i d suggest any1 can participate with rank higher than basic. and 1 game is too random, worst player can beat best in 1 single game cuz of lucky dices and good placement.
distributor wrote:
 But there are some basic players and they have 7 , 4 ,3.. points of skill . being basic it dont means he cant play good . and as i know in TOP 30 we dont have basic players .

 1 game is enough . you need luck to beat good player from TOP 5 , or else one of them will win this tournament . one who win the tournament he will earn TOKENS but not POINTS .

 I like the idea , but i will not join in any tournament .

Vexer wrote:
I love the idea of tournaments. And you are right that it wouldn't take too much programming. Unfortunately it appears that 4myGod doesn't currently have the time to set this up. But if we are patient, I am sure he will implement this without us having to beg.

I think that the tournament should be open to anyone who wants to join.
Glanru wrote:
95% of the reason I lose two player games is because I don't start first, I can't get a card because of bad rolls, or I get card turn in after the first player because I have to wait until I have 5 cards.

IE: one game is very hard to dictate a clear winner, it's too random based and not enough skill based.
I also think tournaments is a fantastic idea but I dnt think games shoul be two player games I don't like to play two player games because its too much luck not enough skill we should play at least three player games or what about a giant eight player game to start it out then we keep going down to less an less players then we have a two player game at the end to decide the winner
Teck wrote:
Tournament is currently still in the planning stage and I hope to bring up one by the end of the year if possible once our current server is stable.

Thanks for being understanding and patience.