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goryh wrote:

A seemingly simple, but not yet implement improvement on your site would be being able to undo the number of troops you move into a freshly conquered territory (before attacking a new territory or doing anything else). I know many people have mentioned this in game chats over the years and I have messed it up twice today (one of which may cost me a game). So I am posting it here as a suggestion and hoping to know if it is planned and if not why not.

Thank you
The_Bishop wrote:
I think you are right @goryh.
I saw too many games ending like that, with a wrong movement of troops that cannot be fixed anymore.

Probably it's too much programming job, but I think your proposal must be kept into account.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Matty wrote:
Oh, I see I haven't answered this and it's, errr, been a while.

Currently nothing is planned for this and it's not on the list. I'm hesitant to add it to the list though, as this may not work at all with same time games.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
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