need alert to start game
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kwikool wrote:
I cannot tell you how many times i have lost a game and been set on the side because a game i created started and I did not realize it.
Many times ill create a game and because it takes so long to get people into the game , I go to read email, and other things....mostly work related. then i come back and ive missed several turns  i dont know why im not getting the end of turn alerts but im not....
can we make an alert for game start which is not the little click sound?? something more robust like the turn timer??  although the turn timer was not going off either in this situation

sfclimbers wrote:
Any chance you're using Safari? I think that I've heard someone say that they don't hear the sound with the browser. Works fine on chrome and firefox.
kwikool wrote:
so it happened again    i create a game...

ive extended the time several times...
someone comes into my office......and is talking to me...
someone joins.....  and i dont know it.....
i dont know why but it clicks even if it not your you dont really pay attention
you think the game just died because nobody joined.....and the time ran out...

but no  someone joined and you miss all of your turns and game over...

then your penalized for missing turns by not being able to create a game

can we not have an alert for game started??  something you can turn on that is noticeable??? like the time running out sound??

God_of_War wrote:
There is a noise that occurs every time there is a turn. Sounds like a Cricket. Is your volume up? 
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kwikool wrote:
yes but  this noise happens even when its not your turn...and youve looked at another game.....  it needs to be something like the out of time noise
God_of_War wrote:
The argument is mute because there are already plenty of noises occurring. Start of Turn, 15 seconds left, you even get a "bum bum" noise when the 5 minute timer would have expired if the game wouldn't have started.

Get another monitor to dedicate to this, up the volume, put it on your phone, set a self-timer. Check the game to see if it has started. Count how many times you need to hear the Turn over noise before it is your turn. 

What else are you really looking for that isn't already implemented? Maybe don't play the game while at work?
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God_of_War is online.
kwikool wrote:
as i said ....

the start of turn sound happens even when your game is NOT one tends to ignore it.   im not the only one who has this happen to them..... when your waiting sometimes up to 30 minutes for a game to fill its easy to miss cant put a self time put it on your phone or any of the other "smart" ideas you suggested because how do you ever know when the last person joins game.... thats the start a game.....then you read emails, or whatever else youre doing...waiting for people to join....maybe you restart several times then when you dont know it the game fills, and starts  its your turn and you never know it
God_of_War wrote:
What is the time limit of a turn in a game? 3 minutes? Set a 3 minute timer to recheck, or every 2 and a half to give ya 30 seconds to add additional time. Solved.
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God_of_War is online.
sfclimbers wrote:
I've never had the issue where the turn clicks happens for a game that has not started. If I hear the clicks, I know that it is somebody's turn, ergo; the game has begun. If you have multiple tabs open across multiple games, then yeah, you may be confused as to whether it's a change in turn from one game vs. the initial turn in another. That being the case, I think that what you are describing is something of a corner case, and probably the reason why it's not getting much love.
kwikool wrote:
no its weird  sometimes i can look at a game.....then go back to the lobby and hear a turn noise go off....and im not even playing a game.
God_of_War wrote:
no its weird  sometimes i can look at a game.....then go back to the lobby and hear a turn noise go off....and im not even playing a game.

Ok, this is definitely different. Are you running Amazon, Spotify, etc... in the background and starting and stopping the music. The music might pause and play, but occasionally the music players will also play the last sound that was played as well.

I have this occur with Amazons music player where it will play my Microsoft Teams audio as if I am dialing someone, but it is just the sound and no one is dialing anyone. It took me a while to figure out what caused it so I knew how to not have it occur anymore.
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God_of_War is online.