+ potential search glitch
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LandoCalriskian wrote:
I've got a bad habit of not checking the chat often enough and end up missing out on offers from other players being friendly. It is easy to get better at checking the chat, but is an optional sound for whenever a message is sent possible? 
Also- apologies if there is already a thread on this. I attempted to search 'sound' and other keywords a couple of times, but I kept getting an error message. So I suppose that is a glitch to report as well.
Everything you've heard about me is true.
The_Bishop wrote:
Yes I('d) like the idea.

I'd say a small sound for real-time games and a slightly coloured tab for long-term's.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
periwinkle wrote:
how about flashing  the tab when there is new chat....

yes please...i would like that...especially when my team and i have a running the board party...