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God_of_War wrote:
Same time is the future. I said it.

However, a suggestion, of a few I have, but I'll keep it to one would be the ability for the creator to decide what time that game actually starts.

I enjoy signing up for these, however, do not enjoy when the last person joins at 4am as an example. I understand people are around the world, but there are usually middle grounds that can be met.

Also, I know I can leave the game at anytime, which is what I do.

So, just a suggestion. Later

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God_of_War wrote:
Another suggestion, 
when the game is ST, to have ST is part of the automatic Label when you go to your "turns" overview so you can quickly differentiate between normal vs Same time
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God_of_War is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
I agree, it should be written there in uppercase, like "FOG".
Because -- like Fogo'war games -- Same-time games are games that I want to check continuously, even when I sleep.

Side note. I rarely play Same-time because I like better the traditional game, but if we want it to stay it should be improved at best.

Joining last in a Same-time long-term is quite an advantage, especially with Fog. I think the start of the game should be announced 24h earlier.
And for the live games I think a 1-minute timer would be better.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
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Matty wrote:
The time thing is not something I'm going to implement, but the ST automatic label is definitely a good idea. I added it.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Dima wrote:
I think ST would be much more realistic and challenging, if you could atk and fortify multiple times and most importantly switch between both back and forth. The only thing that would happen at the beginning of the turn, is the reinforcement. So besides the cyclic reinforcement, you would basicly have an ulmited real time game play. You would basicly eliminate the “turn taking“ mechanism from the game (except the reinforcement would remain cyclic) and make the players and their game strategy decide the game flow.

This would be more realistic to real warfare, allow much strategic option and give you more flexibility and increase the Ungewissheit (its german). Now same time is mostly about waiting for the last second to make your turn... i rly dont understand whats the thrill about it....

So in short: make same time to real time, shifting between atk and fortification multiple times during turn, only reinforcement in cyclic/Rundenbasiert.

PS: if u eliminate a player and get his cards, you can obviously use them for a turn in and continue with atk/fortify/atk/fortify as long as you want/or run out of troops.

So basicly a maximum de-regulated game would allow the pure social interaction and the struggle for victory become the only dynamic to shape the game.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
The_Bishop wrote:
I agree with Dima, the wait-for-the last-second game play doesn't seem very exciting, and I too had the idea of a continuous play, without any "waiting strategy".
In any case I rarely play ST, so I'm not much involved.

I google-translated Ungewissheit as "uncertainty".
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
Well, that's probably the most to-think thing...

I thought of an automatic deployment of troops every minute. The territories in which deploy can be choosen randomly by the system or 'smartly', all troops in one territory or one troop in each territory (then you are supposed to have unlimited fortifications at any time, so you can likely adjust the auto-deployment moving the troops where you really need them).
Regions should give an immediate bonus, and cards should be probably one every 2 conquered territories, and of course one can turn in at any time... Just ideas, but I think it should be thought better.

Otherwise just as described by Dima, attack and fortification at any time and reinforcement at every new round like usual, but turn time should be 1 minute in my opinion.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
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God_of_War wrote:
1 minute turns would be great. Like Speed Chess if that comparison has ever been brought up. Could even do 30-45 second turns. 

Is it harder to WIPE a player out in this amount of time, yes, but it goes with the game mode. 
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God_of_War is online.
God_of_War wrote:
Or each player has X amount of time to use. They get Y time added for every battle they win or if thresholds are hit.

anyway, we talking about things that probably wont ever happen. dreaming is fun though
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God_of_War is online.