more options in create game settings
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Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
It would be good if when creating a game, there was an option to choose that the minimum limit is fair play points and attendance score, for example I don't want to have someone in the game who has fair play points 97,which logically means that he is prone to suicide and bad moves, or someone who has attendance 80 which would certainly mean that he is irresponsible and careless in terms of his moves and dedication to the game. I really couldn't find in the forum that this was talked about earlier, so I apologize if I repeat the topic, is there a chance for something like that..I think that in this way the quality of both live games and long games would be improved, and at the same time players with bad statistics would be motivated to improve their stats.It would take a bit of work in the create game page to pack it all nicely, now there are only places where colors and fortifications are chosen, maybe where the colors and start game button can be called Start game & restriction, there is enough space for a window which would write fair play only option minimum and window, attendance also.when I say restriction, it is a difference from the limit in the range of points, so players who are irresponsible with just one click when creating a game will be restricted from joining the game. Sounds nice doesn't it
Here is a link for example how I saw it,
vikingo1337 wrote:
I like it. The consequences of having a low attendance or fairplay score on D12 are negligible as far as I know, so your suggestion could set that right. As long as players are notified of the consequences of getting and having said low score, and how they can fix it, then I don’t see why not. Also, creating games in the manner you suggest could and should be a premium account option.
"The brave man well shall fight and win, though dull his blade may be."
~Fafnismal 28
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
I'm glad that at least someone liked the idea and that someone responded.GriffinUcos, I can't open that link. Please explain what it is about if it has anything to do with this topic.
I have been thinking about this topic a bit more and I would just like to add some more things, in case this is possible and to be realized one day, it would be very stupid for someone who has fair play 97 and attendance 80 to put a restriction above their classification, which means that if you want a clean game, be clean yourself, it wouldn't make any sense otherwise. And certainly this should be a premium option I agree with Vikingo1337.
GriffinUcos wrote:
Hi, Blagoje_Jovovic, sorry, that post was on the Premium forum, 4th July and I didn't realise you couldn't see it.

The question was what further enhancements would you like to see for premium membership.

My post was:

Another thing I believe (is that) Premium should offer the ability to create a game where there is a lower limit on attendance.

I'd rather lose 30 points to someone on a low rating than lose a game because someone with a 13 Attendance joins and then misses turns.
To date the post only generated one comment, thanks God_of_War.

@Vikingo1337, the staff made it clear for me that there are consequences for someone with a low attendance score. Not sure of the threshold but they can finish current multiplayer games, but then only 1v1 games can be played until attendance is acceptable.

"Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon."
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
yes, but the consequences are one thing in relation to the possibility of creating a game without thinking about whether someone with a low fair pay score or attendance will enter
GriffinUcos wrote:
I agree, hence my ask for the ability to create a game with a minimum attendance score. Game creators can then set the minimum, whether its 100% or 80% or less.
"Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon."
Cireon wrote:
If we add this option, people would always want to set their attendance threshold to 100%. That way, people with a low attendance score can never join games to take turns and increase their attendance score again. Why should a past mistake doom you forever?
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
I just said about that, in order for someone to put a limit of 100, firstly, he must have that grade himself, secondly, I don't think that everyone would put 100/100, I would be the first to put attendance 90 and fair play 99.
You and I can't tell what other people are going to put in, can we?
GriffinUcos wrote:
If we add this option, people would always want to set their attendance threshold to 100%. That way, people with a low attendance score can never join games to take turns and increase their attendance score again. Why should a past mistake doom you forever?

People with really low scores should be limited to 1v1 anyway. It doesn't take them that long to get back above 80%, does it? As Blagoje_Jovovic has said, only those with 100% would set it. Surely those players who make the effort should be able to ensure that serial turn missers don't ruin their games.

"Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon."
The_Bishop wrote:
Pretty often a low attendance score is caused by bad internet connection. I wouldn't like to harm those players even more. Honestly I don't mind much about low attendance scores in my games but I do about low fair play's: those are cheaters, (intentional) suiciders and game ruiners. The useful tool we have at present is the "avoid list": non-premiums can avoid up to 10 players, premiums instead has no limits in their avoid list.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
Nicely explained, but this is another issue for which there is already a solution, this is just a generally new option in the setup, with such an attitude then either the avoidance list no longer has any role or this option has no complete satisfaction :)
vikingo1337 wrote:
Even with premium, noone in his right mind would add every single player with low attendance or fairplay scores to his avoid list on a case by case basis. Your suggestion therefore has merit, as there is currently no way to protect yourself against, e.g., players who drop out often.
"The brave man well shall fight and win, though dull his blade may be."
~Fafnismal 28