call it how u want xd
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TP_knighty wrote:
on the other risk site i play they have fog of war a little bit difernet as here

the number of territories are shown everything else is like here

i find it nice since fog for me its sjut a total bluff especially in increasing games ; fix games i soppose dont matter but increasing without anyhtign what u gonna hit so whatever u do its a total bluff if that even is the right word im looking for hehe xd
Hoodlum wrote:
i just played a fog of war game where you can only see your own territories troops. You don't know what your attacking against - your just fighting against a territory with a ? on it, and all you notice is your troops go down or conquer the territory., (there was the all or nothing attack option included. ).
guessing what your opponent/s are doing made it really fun, even if they were all bots in this one. you don't know if you are about to kill someone, who's bold and try and take asia. Total fog.
if playing with people, after a game it would be fun discussing with players what went down.
i think this mode would be cool here.

from a moderating point of view - saves drama issues of revenge tactics, suicides, teaming etc, players can plead innocent. lol,
Hoodlum is online.
Virtuosity98 wrote:
i just played a fog of war game where you can only see your own territories troops. You don't know what your attacking against - your just fighting against a territory with a ? on it, and all you notice is your troops go down or conquer the territory., (there was the all or nothing attack option included. ).
guessing what your opponent/s are doing made it really fun, even if they were all bots in this one. you don't know if you are about to kill someone, who's bold and try and take asia. Total fog.
if playing with people, after a game it would be fun discussing with players what went down.
i think this mode would be cool here.

from a moderating point of view - saves drama issues of revenge tactics, suicides, teaming etc, players can plead innocent. lol,

Wow, that sounds really interesting! I would love to try that :)
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