increasing plus 1
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TP_knighty wrote:
where should i start :P lol anyways back at where i started playing risk at hasbro there is an option u can trade cards its called increasing plus 1 so that means every time the cards are traded it increases by 1. only reason im saying this is i personally think that increaing plus 1 is much better " safer" and fair for team games it doesnt give somone so much advantage when it raises by 5 in normla increasing especially it goes for if one team has both trades and other has noone then its almsot dead end for the team that has no trade which in increasing plus 1 its not the case sicne the team with no traade can still catch up im talking this from experience not so much here i ve done here with increasing cards only 25 games of team play but i have alot of background on team games in hasbro prolly around 1000games if not more okey just alittel humble opinion i hope the team players here could add something esp the 2 most famous one they should know who they r hihi ;D salut :D
TP_knighty is online.
huskers01 wrote:
I like that idea TP.. I've lost a lot of games to the double turns for one team. 25/30 respectively. It would still give you a chance if you don't get a 3 or 4 card set late in a game. It would also keep regions in play instead of abandoning them for the kill army. An advanced setting for this would be great. Nice thread TP
Hoodlum wrote:
i mentioned this a while ago, i can't find the thread for it, but there was an answer. I'll post it here if I find it. From experience with Knighty, this is a very good card setting for team games especially.
Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
huskers01 wrote:
I'm interested. Think it would be a whole new tactical game if this was implemented. Hopefully this can gain some support.