Fendi i have a twist for you
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JroK wrote:
@ Matty.....wow i consider everythig in ur post a positive and would be ok with any of these changes....yes i think advanced and nuclear card turn ins would have to be an option because of the "you must turn in all 5 cards for the nuke" premise. Tx a ton for the support and suggestions.

P.S. --- it is and has been an incredibly fun version ....always a laugh and unexpected twists. #s stay small and the bodies pile up. very fun in 6+ player games
Don't blame the math....blame the path.
JroK wrote:
@ Bishop ---- this is the whole point of nuclear risk ...to prevent massive troop counts everywhere. again as all rules in this proposed version, they are all subject to alteration. doesn't have to be a 5 card turn in for instance.
Don't blame the math....blame the path.
JroK wrote:
@ PsymonStark   calm down my friend....yes these are all things needing to be worked out, but as this is simply an idea at the moment, lets all work to provide possible solutions to said issues. I am not a programmer so i am basically asking the same questions. The game works great on a board with the family and friends. moving it into the realm of D12 however may be a challenge as there are parameters and bridges i cannot cross without permission and assistance.
Don't blame the math....blame the path.
PsymonStark wrote:
Oh, don't misunderstand my points. I believe it's an interesting gameplay (and that's why I'm posting here) but everything has to be in place asap so there are no inconsistencies later and we are all with the same idea in mind.

And there we'll be trying to close those gaps and finding solutions.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
JroK wrote:
@ cbt and Matty post #10-11,  we played it only as a card thing. i only used my nuke when either i was much larger than the field or was next to losing the game. You can use nuke to remove an annoying pushing force and give u time to recoup with a good backdoor border now in place. Or as an attack force to start the turn. Yes nuke must be used at start of turn. Yes u do get troops to place as in your 3 for living and continental bonuses as well. when we turn in our 5 card (which again could be reduced to a 3 card) you get NO troops for the card set/s included in the spent cards. Many games of nuclear end without a nuke ever being fired. However some games lmao....ya'll are in for a treat i'm telling you this game is so fun. We played it as well in military 6 and 8 head deep. Nukes everywhere.

I strongly think we need leave card set at 5 cards and ill tell you why. In a 5 plus player game, all tend to hold cards and there is a moment when everyone gets a little nervous, lol. A single nuke can change everything. it is not a weapon to be taken lightly. imagine a game with just 5 players all up to 5 cards...is a world of grey if anyone 1 player pulls the trigger they all do.

Keep in mid all...a players last territory cannot be taken with a nuke...somehow nuke would not be able to be placed in that location if it would take a player out. if i own 7 territories all in a bunch...lets say europe on classic map.....a nuke could wipe out 6 of me and i could be eliminated on first attack from same players turn start. But all of me could not be killed with the nuke alone
Don't blame the math....blame the path.
Hoodlum wrote:
I imagine this would be perfect for capped limit trades, and probably would actually join those if there was this feature. It would be worth getting a nuke to use as opposed to a trade in most cases in a capped card game. I think this is probably the most fair setting to bomb the stalemate!

Yeah, fog would be fun...

For a capitals game, if you couldnt blow up a capital, you could use this for yourself to make a path somewhere, or strategically help put up a block of neutrals somewhere.

This is a great idea. Futuristic risk (nukes), and would be unique to d12. with the decay mechanism thing we already have.. seems like we are already a step ahead of other risk sites for this proposed format.
JroK wrote:
Posted: Today, 5:03 PM | Post #15
Sure. Except for the code has no idea what an ocean is :)

Ahhhh i have no solution to this but one and it was stated earlier in forum....eliminate option to be maps with oceanic crossings... that kinda blows cause the game was invented on classic world map and these things where never an issue. If you layed nuke on say alaska (which would be dumb cause if you slide over one spot u can take 6 instead of 3 territories) then you wold just get alaska and neighbors in canada area...would not effect kamchatka.. more an understanding than code i reckon. I pray someone find solution to this one it seems to be a kicker.
Don't blame the math....blame the path.
JroK wrote:
I would still want exception for the idea as a whole however would be happy work something out as i am quite partial to the site.

I suggest set up a beta game or a beta tournament (no points of course) with some of D12 elites and myself. I would imagine this could take some code and a little time to do but i believe the outcome and new gametypes created therein "exclusive to D12" would be amazing gametypes. I also believe that a whole new advertising capaign for D12 could really boost ur online #s and site attendance as a whole. This site is like a diamond in the rough. I would like someone to get back to me on a possible trial game date if we were to entertain the thought of the Nuke
Don't blame the math....blame the path.
Matty wrote:
I think the main problem is that I have no idea how this would work out in an increasing cards game. Since it's so essential to get troops for yourself and not that important to hurt others, no one will use a nuke I think.
Once the turn in goes high, then 5 cards will most often be worth more than just to kill a territory.

But we can just try that out.

For programming reasons a nuke blast will cross an ocean, so nuking Alaska will take Kamtchatka with it. It's simply too much work and too error prone work to mark all the cross ocean connections in the database. We'll have to disable nukes for maps with ports at some point, but that's alright.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty is online.
JroK wrote:
@ Matty,  thanks a ton for all the feedback and help here for starters. In response to the question of how things work in increasing card games(which is the way we always played), i would say you were correct in that once card sets reach big numbers it is no longer efective to use a nuke...however...ponder this. As in most games at table with family turned out....lets say a 5 player game each one of us has 4 cards and turn in value is 4.....if i am first next round to be forced to turn in with 5 cards and i choose a nuke...the card bonus stays at 4 because a nuke is an alternate option. So if all 5 players effectively choose to use a nuke then card set is still at 4. so increasing sets is about the same as fixed or capped.....mainly because nuclear games are quicker overall...no time to reach said large set instead of nuke issue.

I been thinking about the cross oceans border and port to port issues and again had an interesting thought. If a nuke was set off ON a port...then all ports and only 2 to 3 other territories at actually placement site would go grey. No one could travel cross port for a spell and would make a nasty, nifty, fun new twist me thinks.

Tx again for all the input...... ya'll keep it coming

--->LONG LIVE D12<---
Don't blame the math....blame the path.
HammerTime wrote:
Awesome idea!! What about nuke deterants ,is..all players possessing 1 each from start of the game..would make the attacker think long an hard about useing his,and give the others a chance to retaliate,then if someone gets to 5 cards they get a second one( an make that the limit,no more then 2 per game),an trying to get to five cards imo in a game with this feature would be a huge gamble,as the other players would react an try to stop this from happening knowing what will happen if a player gets a second one,( kinda like nuke arms race)...anyway just a thought....but must I really like the idea :)...BOOM
Luck,is the defining factor of a good strategy
HammerTime wrote:
Awesome idea!! What about nuke deterants ,is..all players possessing 1 each from start of the game..would make the attacker think long an hard about useing his,and give the others a chance to retaliate,then if someone gets to 5 cards they get a second one( an make that the limit,no more then 2 per game),an trying to get to five cards imo in a game with this feature would be a huge gamble,as the other players would react an try to stop this from happening knowing what will happen if a player gets a second one,( kinda like nuke arms race)...anyway just a thought....but must I really like the idea :)...BOOM
Luck,is the defining factor of a good strategy
Sygmassacre wrote:
New Zealand is nuclear free. Therefore I couldn't in good conscience ever play this game type but I guess I'll put the devil on my shoulder if it ever gets implemented
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Hoodlum wrote:
lol ya... we should boycot this game mode for NZ map! no more nukes!!

only NZ map tho. :)