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- Posted: 9 years ago
- Modified: 9 years ago
Post #1
I will keep it simple in this forum: My family and i have played the game for decades. Has been a very important family time game that still takes place every thanksgiving and christmas.
We have played many many different twists. some are a hit and others obviously rather annoying. I've been on this site for around 2 years and have come to very much appriciate the player inputs and suggestions. I have seen many nifty things that once were ideas become very real and very fun alternatives.
Thus i introduce Nuclear D12......
I will not give all details as i am assured it will be replicated and taken.
Basically when a player has 5 cards and is forced to turn in, the set of all 5 is handed in a that player receives a nuke. Player chooses upon which territory the nuke shall fall and that territory(regardless of troop count or location) and all touching territories immediately turn to neutrals.
Therefore nukes can be used to take out an entire player if he is to bottled in, or to hit 4 players simultaneously.
The territories that turn to neutral have a half-life of their own. Starting with all 5's in affected area and each complete round that passes the neutrals numbers drop by 1 eventually leaving all 1's in 4 turns. This acts as the radiation and fallout from the nuke. It takes time to re occupy a nuclear area u know.
So player has option with 5 cards to simply hand in 3 for his card bonus or he hands in all 5 cards and recieves only the base enforcements and a nuke. You do not get both the turn in troops and nuke it is one or the other.
Anyway Fendi; if you like my idea please message me and i will happily help make it happen. This makes for an epic game. TY ALL and Go D12
Edited by Matty to include some more whitespace and newlines to make it easier to read.
We have played many many different twists. some are a hit and others obviously rather annoying. I've been on this site for around 2 years and have come to very much appriciate the player inputs and suggestions. I have seen many nifty things that once were ideas become very real and very fun alternatives.
Thus i introduce Nuclear D12......
I will not give all details as i am assured it will be replicated and taken.
Basically when a player has 5 cards and is forced to turn in, the set of all 5 is handed in a that player receives a nuke. Player chooses upon which territory the nuke shall fall and that territory(regardless of troop count or location) and all touching territories immediately turn to neutrals.
Therefore nukes can be used to take out an entire player if he is to bottled in, or to hit 4 players simultaneously.
The territories that turn to neutral have a half-life of their own. Starting with all 5's in affected area and each complete round that passes the neutrals numbers drop by 1 eventually leaving all 1's in 4 turns. This acts as the radiation and fallout from the nuke. It takes time to re occupy a nuclear area u know.
So player has option with 5 cards to simply hand in 3 for his card bonus or he hands in all 5 cards and recieves only the base enforcements and a nuke. You do not get both the turn in troops and nuke it is one or the other.
Anyway Fendi; if you like my idea please message me and i will happily help make it happen. This makes for an epic game. TY ALL and Go D12
Edited by Matty to include some more whitespace and newlines to make it easier to read.
Don't blame the math....blame the path.