• 6 posts
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Clarke wrote:
Dear D12 Staff/Admin:

Let me make one thing clear right from the start. I am NOT complaining about MAPS. He is a nice guy and I consider him a friend. I think he is only following instructions.

But in game 498336, I created the game, send invitations to the 8 players immediately, put a couple of messages in the chat, then left. Less than 6 hours later, MAPS posted a message asking to send invites to get this game going (6).

May I suggest some sort of 72 hour grace period from the creation of a game before staff begins instructing invites. Also, staff should have some way to see if a game has had invites sent out on it or not.

I understand why staff prompting is necessary, but have a little patience in the procedure please.

Matty wrote:
Oh lol, sometimes I even think Maps is a bot secretly created by Vexer :P

I don't really know how his system works, but I think he puts these messages in every game like every two games and if you have 7 of them than he cancels the game (which should give you about two weeks).

You can safely ignore the first one ;)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Vexer wrote:
I'm not sure either exactly what MAPS' criteria is. I remember giving some instruction to Crystal once about this. Maybe she can work with MAPS to make sure he's not overdoing it.
Crystal wrote:
I give all long term, passworded games at least a month to start before I end them. I usually do not add anything to the chat until they've been sitting for about 3 weeks, then I give them an experation date on the game.

But I haven't had to end a game in so long....

MAPS wrote:
I put a note on every password game because lately a lot of new players create password games and they dont send invites. I put the note so that I can give it 7 or 10 days. If nobody else joins, I assume the player forgot about that game and I close it.
If this is a problem, just let me know and I will stop it. I think I am helping the site by not letting a ton of password games sit there for weeks with no invitations being sent.
I put my note on every password game so that new players dont feel like I am picking on them.


The_Bishop wrote:
Thanks Maps I think you do a great job on keeping the Long Term lobby clean from games that will never start. I'm happy to have someone caring about that. It's true sometimes that msg in the game chat it is not very nice and pleasant, although it is efficace method.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein