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Augustus wrote:
Well, I wasn't submitting this map as a candidate for the site. I was asked for an example of what I made for LandGrab, and that's what I made for LandGrab. The problems you have with the map here wouldn't necessarily be a problem there and are desired by some. It's not like I can't change my approach to meet the tastes of this site. When I argued for bigger maps earlier, that didn't mean I wanted them to have the mountains that I do or four corners.

Also, on LG, if you right-click a territory, it will tell you the name and the value of the continent it is in. You don't have to scroll per se. The chart you mentioned is meant to show who owns which continent. Some maps have some of this information drawn into the image, but no, it's not a requirement there. The understanding is that, if you play enough, then you will just memorize it anyway. It's not like it would be hard to include a table for continent bonuses, though, for maps here.

So yeah, tell me what some of the standards are here, but don't feel the need to put my map on trial. I could already tell that, stylistically, it doesn't really go with this site.
aeronautic wrote:
So yeah, tell me what some of the standards are here, but don't feel the need to put my map on trial. I could already tell that, stylistically, it doesn't really go with this site.
This was what I was trying to do, inform you of the standards here using your map as an example. Which is why I made a fictional review.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
PsymonStark wrote:
In the guide you have covered most of the standards that are needed for a map. But you'd also need to be open to feedback from other cartographers and players. Map making on DXII is basically teamwork.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
elysium5 wrote:
Yes, PsymonStark, you are right about the teamwork. While it may seem to someone who has not participated in the map making threads that what is being said is harsh criticism, it is not a personal attack. It is our cut to the bones approach to trying to find as many flaws, no matter how minute, as possible so they can be changed/tweaked in order to produce the best possible product we can.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
Augustus wrote:
One thing that worries me about the apparent standards is that they seem heavily formulaic and don't appear geared toward maps that would yield atypical, yet still balanced, gameplay.