Game creation options
  • 4 posts
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Makaveli1671 wrote:
Hello programmers. I was wondering how difficult it would be to have an option similar to the minimum points required to join a game option, except that it would only allow players with favorable turns/turns missed ratio to join.Seems like a good idea to me.
Makaveli1671 wrote:
One more thought... Some sort of counter for one's total loss/success rate withe the dice. Much easier than going back through old game logs and counting manually.
Vexer wrote:
Both are on the list, but at the bottom. Although we would use the attendance score rather than turns missed/total turns.
rolyat wrote:
Hi. Another vote for setting a limit on attendance score at game creation. Add it if you can, please.
ʎzɐɹɔ sı sıɥʇ, lol