For players who are just plain dumb...
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JamesKer1 wrote:
I find myself wishing to use this multiple times today, so I figured it's about time I should say something :)

We all come across players who just make outrageously stupid moves, consistently, and there is no way to warn others against them other than post in lobby chats, which can be considered rude and heartless. So, in an effort to create a more accountable system, a new reputation score should be created, that works like a report (but isn't counted as a punishable offense) based on game play, strategy, or the likes, that is all inclusive for miscellaneous offenses other than the three currently set up.
UltrasPlot wrote:
I am in favor of a general "Gameplay" report so that I can report stupid things that do not necessarily fit the strict definition of "murder-suicide."
wow (click to show)