Notification of defeat in long term games.
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outlaw wrote:
Hi... After being defeated in a long term game recently I had no notification the game simply vanished.

After taking a look through my game history I found the game and that I had been defeated but only by chance really. I didn't recognize the name of the winner as a regular player in the quick games which is the only way I located it.

Could we be informed of what occurred by email notification please...thanks.
Sygmassacre wrote:
I name all my long term games for easy reference in "Game History".
You should try it
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Sygmassacre wrote:
Sorry, I mean I name them in the "Turns" screen and am able to locate them easier in the "Game History" screen
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Hoodlum wrote:
nice tip..syg, never thought of that or used that feature.

outlaw, i don't think played many long term games. i suggested to him that he post this email notification idea in the suggestions and feedback forums, for when a player in a LONGTERM game and is eliminated, to get some sort of auto-email notification.. seems like a good idea.

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The_Bishop wrote:
@outlaw - You just need to check the "Game History" or the "Finished Games" that is the same thing.

@Sygma - I am also used to name my games, especially long-term's

BUT... @PROGRAMMERS - I have some problems on doing that!

I would like the game name to be confirmed with simply using "enter" but it doesn't work (same problem when I do game invitations, why "enter" doesn't work and I need to use the mouse?). So to confirm the game name I need to click somewhere on the page being careful not to click on active links. Or even worst, when I click on another game name tab weird things occur, like the name being automatically copied in the wrong place.

Maybe it's only me... or my browser.
I use Mozilla, normally updated to the last version.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
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Vexer wrote:
@outlaw. I'll try and remember to add that when I rewrite the attack function. It will be awhile since I am currently rewriting the turn code.

@the_bishop it's cause it uses javascript. 4myGod tried to make it fancy but left out functional. That's more Matty's area of expertise so lets hope he reads your post. Just remember that we want him to finish team games up and the join game tab.
Matty wrote:
Yeah remind me in a month or two :)
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
The_Bishop wrote:
Okay thanks Matty! :)

The thread went a bit off-topic, sorry.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
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