  • 4 posts
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rick wrote:
when a player misses x # of turns in a row, please have a system to automatically kick them from pending games. If they do come back to the game board and start playing again, I don't want them to not be able to join new games, but it starts being a buzz kill to have so many games with players that cause a 24 hour stall (and then that eventual gray mass of dead troops on the board -- i like referring to them as gargoyles)
4myGod wrote:
lol! Gargoyles. Yeah I will add friends and foes. Foes won't be able to join games with you. I didn't think we would need it until the site got bigger, obviously we do.
rick wrote:
i am still thinking that if somebody gets kicked from an active game, that they should be simultaneously kicked from all pending games (that way if they come back, they can still rejoin them but won't impede games if they're indisposed for a period)
4myGod wrote:
I think it's only a problem now while it takes a while to fill up a game, but in the future when there are more people games will fill up within 1 day, so we won't have that issue, but yeah, perhaps we can do something like that.